Let Everyone Know

Do you wonder why you are here — and what to do with your life? You are not alone! Years ago when self-help books were hugely popular I read an article called “How To Avoid Being A Failure”. I thought it would say that I needed to work harder — or needed to go to school — or needed to eat better. Was I ever surprised! Instead I was given the ONE THING that has made all the difference in my life. Please give this song a sing-along listen, then come back for the answer — it might surprise you, too!

What is your explanation?

“Worldview” is the the way a person sees and explains life and the world. It is a person’s set of beliefs on how to answer such questions as:
WHERE did we come from?
WHERE do we go?
WHAT is our purpose for being here?

The Bible offers God’s answers for everything we need for a useful worldview. Ignoring the Bible has led to distress, darkness and misery throughout man’s history.

God’s Word tells us where we came from.
God’s Word tells us where we are going.
God’s Word tells us our purpose for being here.

God’s Word is truly a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.

Jesus Christ’s example of purpose

The day Jesus was born in Bethlehem he did not immediately walk and talk and teach God’s Word and heal people. But, OH! How well he mastered the purpose of his life! The Gospel of Luke tells us Jesus was only twelve years old when he already was able to declare, “I must be about my Father’s business”.

Still he continued to learn and grow. Luke goes on to say, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” No doubt through his teens and twenties, Jesus spent much time pouring through the Scriptures to learn in detail who he was and what he would do. Can there be any doubt that by the time Jesus started his ministry, he was perfectly clear on the answers to the questions:

Where did I come from?
Where am I going?
What is my purpose for being here?

Jesus knew what he was on earth to do. Part of Jesus Christ’s purpose — a LARGE part as far as we are concerned — was accomplished with his death, resurrection and ascension. We gained much from his death, we gained more from his resurrection and we gained STILL more from his ascension. He did not stop until he did ALL that was needed for our complete salvation. Consider the following:

When Jesus Christ died the sin that separated us from God was paid for — removed — and we were justified – it is “just as if I’d” never sinned.

When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead Jesus proved death itself had been defeated and we would now be able to live and enter into his rest without end.

THEN, when Jesus ascended to be with The Father more opened up.
Jesus is there now
preparing a place for us
serving as the head of his body, which is the church
mediating between God and men
— just to name a few things Jesus is doing.

WE HAVE A COMPLETE SAVIOR, TRIUMPHANT, POWERFUL, LEADING US FROM ABOVE — and one day RETURNING! He continues to know his purpose, and we are invited into the magnificent blessing of it as he continues to fulfill it.

He is still at work. We were created to engage in the work, too. And there remains plenty to do to help disciple people and nations.

Jesus Christ in our worldview

Question: Where did we come from?
Answer: God formed, made and created Adam. Adam sinned and fell from God’s presence. We are descendants of the fallen Adam and we inherited sin and death which he introduced to mankind. When we accept Jesus as Lord we become a new creation in Christ. Old things are passed away. All things are new.

Question: Where are we going?
Answer: The saved in Christ are glory bound! Everlasting life with our ever-loving Lord.

Question: What is our purpose for being here?
Answer: FIRST, we must avoid being a failure! How? GET BORN AGAIN! Accept Jesus as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead.
THEN – we live for the Lord and honor Him in whatever we do, and we tell others how to receive the life Jesus Christ made available.

Jesus learned his purpose and fulfilled it, and we can be very thankful he did. Let’s imitate him by learning our purpose and fulfilling it. Let Jesus be both help and guide.

Time is short and life is fragile. We don’t need to waste time and effort wandering in the dark wondering what to do with our lives! The Lord is hiring! Let’s work for HIM!

The Lord and His kingdom way of living life are wonderful, fulfilling, empowering and healing. Let’s let everyone know.

God bless you lots!
Dale R.

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LYRICS: Let Everyone Know
Song by Dale Reichel (2021)

1. Aristotle asked where we all came from
Plato asked where we all go
Socrates said, “Please tell me why we are here”
Such things people struggle to know

At the cross Jesus knew where he came from
At the cross Jesus knew where he’d go
At the cross Jesus knew what he needed to do
Now he asks we let everyone know

[Last time]
At the cross Jesus did all he needed to do
How I want to let everyone know

2. Jesus willingly died to save us
Jesus rose so death had to go
He ascended on high to prepare us a place
I wonder, does everyone know?

3. We came here through Adam as heirs of his sin
Thank Jesus to glory we’ll go
We’re here to get saved and live for the Lord
It’s our joy to let everyone know

Let’s stay in touch

Each time I post a new song and lesson here I send a brief, cheerful note to friends of this song site. The note gives a quick description of the song and lesson along with a link to the new song’s page. It is super-easy for you to get a note from me, too. Just click the green “Song of the Week” button below and you are almost there.

To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)

Song of the Week

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First posted Feb. 20, 2021. Reposted Aug. 20, 2024: new song video and notes revised.

12 Replies to “Let Everyone Know”

  1. Julia Witchard

    Good early morning Mr Dale, AND Ms Cathy…. First of all I would like to give u a “BIG THUMBS UP”, FOR THAT AMAZING SONG “…even though my thumb is small, listening to that song made it A “BIG THUMB”…AND THAT AMAZING SERMON TELLS ALL… Isn’t it amazing Mr Dale how awesome thoughts can enter into our minds when we put “OUR JESUS FIRST?”..”BECAUSE HE IS FIRST”AND HE LONGS TO HERE SONGS LIKE THAT”….GIVING HIM THE PRAISE AND HONOR THAT HE DESERVES “…Thanks Mr Dale…..and Thanks to Cathy as well for helping u, even if she just sit across the room and gave u a “GREAT BIG SMILE “, Which says a lot…, that is an amazing SERMON that u posted… EVERYTHING POINTS TO HOW AMAZING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD IS, “HOW HE SENT HIS WORD TO US TO CLARIFY HIS LOVE FOR US”…..THANKS Mr Dale for sharing that amazing song and sermon once again…it is truly a blessing for u and Cathy to get the word out, about how “AMAZING JESUS IS”….letting us know, THE TRUE MEANING OF WHAT HE WAS SENT HERE TO DO. …I do hope and pray that this amazing song and sermon, reaches hearts that needs to know, WHO JESUS IS AND ACCEPT HIM AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR… Mr Dale, I really liked the part where u said in the song that it is like an Swiss army knife… lots of tools, and can serve in different ways……”LIKE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD’S WORD……… READING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD’S WORD, AND MEDITATING ON IT, WILL HAVE A BIG EFFECT IN THE WAY WE LIVE…. Thanks again for sharing such an amazing song and sermon….much love and blessings goes out to u both..

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Julia, what a bounty of thankful enthusiasm! Thanks for sharing with us all. I agree with you — when we bring our minds to receive and meditate on the things God and His son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, have done for us, how can we not be joyful and thankful! There is so much more than we can see and absorb — good thing we have today to see and enjoy and walk in His light … and all eternity to continue. We’ll never run out of things to be thankful for. Thank YOU again for sharing. You brighten people’s days with the light you reflect from the Lord. God bless you lots — Dale R.

  2. Dan R.

    Thanks Dale…that is really a great song with a great message. Thanks so much for playing it and sharing it with us all. I am also a fan of A.W. Tozer. I heard someone say once that their favorite A. W. Tozer quote was about his thoughts on intercessory prayer….. “I can get more done in a man’s life by talking to God about the man than talking to the man about God.”
    This encourages me to pray for others. Especially those that I am not able to talk to.
    Thanks again for playing this wonderful tune for all of us!
    Blessings to you dear brother………

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Dan, I think you introduced me to A.W. Tozer … thank you for your kind words and giving us another of his quotes. A GREAT one, at that! Let’s keep learning, praying, praising and enjoying life with the Lord. No place else to be! God bless you lot, — D.

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Carol, Thanks for your note. I’m with you … thankful to know where we are going. And, fascinated to think it will be better than we can ask or think. Makes us want to do our utmost for His highest while we are here. Lots more people and nations to light up for the Lord. I trust we’ll be able to pray, believe and contribute in other ways to THAT! God is good. Thanks again for sharing. — Dale R.

  3. Sal Arico

    Great song Dale in so many ways! Thanks for writing it and sharing it with us all! This message and the answer to all life’s questions is still a need today and as God’s kids we are so privileged to speak it!! God Bless Your wonderful ministry!!

  4. Elizabeth Nicely

    Hi Dale! Thanks for the great song! Clear, concise and “colorful”. Thanking our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ for all that has been given now to those that do what Romans 10:9 says and for all that is in store for us later!


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