It’s Time

That very fact that humans exist says a lot about the creative ability and loving character of the Lord. What we humans choose to do with the wondrous life the Lord gave us says a lot about our character — and will determine what good work we’ll accomplish during our days on Earth. Please give this song a sing-along listen, then let’s talk about what the Lord gave us to work with and when might be a good time to get to it.

What wondrous life we’ve been given

Our song opens with the words “What wondrous life we’ve been given.” Back in the garden, God gave Adam life — wondrous life. Imagine the magnificent picture of beauty, brains and health Adam was before he sinned.

Though Adam’s descendants are born with less life than Adam started with, the life we all are born with, though temporary, is still wondrous. For starters, we were designed to be able to learn the good news of the Gospel.

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ came to bring to mankind a greater life than the one Adam sinned away. The gift of new life is available to everyone who asks to receive it. This new life makes us able to go the everlasting distance with everlasting brothers and sisters in everlasting joyful fellowship with our Heavenly Father Who has no beginning and no end.

I don’t know what word we can add to “wondrous” to adequately describe our original birth life plus this new life through Christ. Though words might fail, we can still thank the Lord for the wondrous life we’ve been given.

What marvelous power we’ve been given

Our song’s second verse talks about power. Ephesians 1 (NIV) reads in part, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know . . . his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.”

We have been given life that includes power and ability, energized by the Lord.
Colossians says it is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Ephesians says we are “created in Christ Jesus unto good works.”
We are built to do good works.

The Lord provides spiritual tools to help with the work. 1 Corinthians 12 lists speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophesy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, miracles and gifts of healing. These “tools” — these manifestations of holy spirit power — enable us to grow spiritually, to pray and praise well, to get guidance when needed, and to have the believing needed to minister healing and do miracles. The first century church needed and used these things. Without question, we still need these things today. The Lord still energizes. The tools are still available.

Do you know who gets to exercise spiritual power by using these spiritual tools? It is people like you and me who get to. The size of that group might surprise some. The Bible describes this user group with these words — “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man …” How many is “every”? No mention is made here of education or denomination, of age or occupation, of nationality, social status, place or time. The group enabled to praise the Lord and walk in His power is huge. And it is growing every day.

The Lord made us able. He does not withhold from us the tools and ability to do the work He built us to do. What marvelous power we’ve been given!

Fruitful living

The third verse of our song mentions fruit. Using these spiritual tools — these manifestations of the spirit — produces fruit of the spirit listed in Galatians 5 — love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.

Fruit of the spirit — all the more reason the Lord wants — and has enabled — people to receive holy spirit life and walk in power.

We’ve been given wondrous life and marvelous power that — when exercised — produces beautiful fruit.

Our song takes on the question — “When should we move on all of this?”

Would you agree, it is game on?

This is the day. It’s time.

God bless you lots!
–Dale R.

Download this song sheet from “The Music Box”

LYRICS: It’s Time
Song by Dale Reichel (2023)

1. What wondrous life we’ve been given;
The Lord says prove it.
He shows the way to great living.
It’s time we get to it.
The Lord is the author of life – wrote the best way to do it.
This is the day which the Lord has made; it’s time we get to it.

2. What marvelous power we’ve been given;
The Lord says prove it.
He gives divine power for living.
It’s time we get to it.
The Lord is the author of life – wrote the best way to do it.
This is the day which the Lord has made; it’s time we get to it.

3. What fruit can grow when we are giving;
The Lord says prove it.
Love can light up lives we are living.
It’s time we get to it.
The Lord is the author of life – wrote the best way to do it.
This is the day which the Lord has made; it’s time we get to it.

It’s Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Each day may we add to our life-in-Christ story.
This is the day which the Lord has made; it’s time we get to it.
This is the day; it’s time.

Let’s stay in touch

Each time I post a new song and lesson here I send a brief, cheerful note to friends of this song site. The note gives a quick description of the song and lesson along with a link to the new song’s page. It is super-easy for you to get a note from me, too. Just click the green “Song of the Week” button below and you are almost there.

To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff.

Song of the Week

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First posted January 28, 2023. Reposted with revised article May 31, 2024.

8 Replies to “It’s Time”

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Pastor Alan, thanks for your note. Thanks for faithfully reflecting the Lord’s light to the wonderful folks you minister to. I’m still drawing gladness from time there. God bless you lots — Dale R.

  1. Hannah

    I love the tune! Easy on the ears, punchy licks, and of course wonderful thoughts. I could put this one on repeat and just keep going… =D

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Hannah, thank you for your hearty approbation! I could put your comment on repeat and just keep going … =D LOVINGS -D

  2. Julia Witchard

    Good evening mr dale, what an amazing song it tells all, all we need to do to show OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS, THAT HE DID NOT DIE IN VAIN, That we will continue to do what. HE CREATED US TO DO, AS HE DID, LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY, The kind of love that will never fail, u are so right mr dale it’s all before us, u are singing it to us ,it’s all in your song, OUR FATHER JESUS SAT AN EXAMPLE FOR US TO FOLLOW, PLAIN AND SIMPLE, LOVE 💘 AS I HAVE LOVED U, OUR FATHER JESUS GAVE US EVERYTHING We need to finish the work that “HE” sat before us. “HEAR WHAT THE SONG SAYS”⁸, … thanks mr dale for doing what OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS HAS SAT BEFORE U, And thanks for sharing your awesome songs and sermons, “FOLLOW THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, “…That’s an amazing start, ..”INDEED FOLLOWING THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, Will lead us to. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS,,, BLESSINGS. To the both of u, and keep following the fruits of the spirit,,, and sharing them with whomsoever will hear…or read your sermons…”Feels good to be used by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS….Right mr dale? Be blessed, be very blessed..

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Julia, I love your comment “Jesus did not die in vain.” Hard words to even think, but you hit an important point that if his death and resurrection did not make a difference to us, then what does that say about our thinking?!? Time to change our thinking, like Romans 12 calls for. When God raised Jesus Christ from the dead it made a HUGE difference. Life, power and fruit — available for everyone who will receive and act on that huge difference. As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts. God bless you lots — Dale R.

  3. Sarah Durm

    Lovely! It makes sense that we should refer to the author of life to figure out how best to live. Wish more people would! I needed the reminder to “prove” what I already know too. Wisdom and virtue are certainly different things. (I’ve heard wisdom is knowing what to do, but virtue is actually doing it.) Love that line about adding to our “life-in-Christ story.” Catchy too. Bravo!

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Sarah, thanks for your kind words and astute observations. So thankful you are on this song journey with me. Lovings! -D


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