The Birthday Of A King
When we read the Christmas story in the Bible we get the idea that Joseph and Mary were not set up to do much celebrating when Jesus was born. But God is good — and He didn’t leave those arrangements Continue Reading →
When we read the Christmas story in the Bible we get the idea that Joseph and Mary were not set up to do much celebrating when Jesus was born. But God is good — and He didn’t leave those arrangements Continue Reading →
These days we often sing songs that have one main idea sung many times. That kind of song is great to teach people a single point and drive it home. “Heaven Rejoices” is typical of songs of yesteryear — songs Continue Reading →
The best, most enduring hymns combine lots of good-news bible truth with beautiful lyrics and a compelling, singable melody. This song, lyrics written by one of the best known, most productive and influential hymn writers of English Christendom, displays those Continue Reading →
I think many of us grew up learning practically the same set of Christmas songs — some celebrating the birth of Jesus, others secular, happy just to embrace warmth, contentment, good cheer — and even humor — without reference to Continue Reading →
Familiar sounds of Christmas might include sleigh bells ringing, friends calling “yoo hoo” — and the encouragement to remember the reason for the season. Our song, “The Light Of The World Is Jesus”, is not part of any Christmas playlist Continue Reading →
Here is another song by Charlie Johnston that stirs our thinking — this time to celebrate, among other things, that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was indeed born. Scholars disagree on exactly when Jesus was born, but wise men Continue Reading →
Many of the most powerful songs are autobiographical — where the song writer sings about tragedy and despair he personally experienced and had to recover from. “It Is Well With My Soul” is one such song you might know. “I Continue Reading →
In France, in the mid 1800’s, a parish priest asked a wine and spirits seller — who was an avowed atheist — to write a Christmas poem to celebrate the renovation of the church organ. The atheist studied Luke’s gospel Continue Reading →
It is not clear who wrote our song “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” It is listed as an African-American spiritual. Its lyrics reflect verses like this from Isaiah 42: “Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from Continue Reading →
This is a great song all year long — and certainly fitting at Christmas. The song speaks of the best thing we can do to help ourselves, our families, our friends and neighbors, our country and our world. Give “Tell Continue Reading →