“Love Lifted Me” is a wonderful old hymn that can remind us of Peter’s water walk (and rescue) and also our own salvation. Peter got saved from sinking in roiling waves on that day, and was given a great lesson about overcoming fear and trusting the Lord. That record paints a picture we could call “Jesus Saves”. This song brings encouragement useful to most people, most every day of life. Please give the song a sing-along listen, then read more about the Lord’s loving lift — way back then for Peter and still now for you and me.
Tossed with waves – Jesus saves
Jesus walked on water. Peter did, too. Amazing!
Recall the scene. The ship was in the midst of the sea, violently tossed with waves. The wind fought them with all its might. That was their situation when Jesus walked out to them. The disciples’ minds were already in turmoil — but when they saw someone walking toward them on the sea, they became so agitated they did not immediately recognize it was Jesus. They thought they were seeing a ghost. The storm already had them frightened, but what they were now seeing put them over the top.
They cried out in fear. They needed saving.
What wonderful words Jesus spoke — “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”
How often God’s message is “Fear not!” Part of saving people is to help them get rid of fear.
Not just making this stuff up
One of Peter’s great qualities was that he wanted to KNOW his faith was based on reality. Here he sought proof, asking Jesus to invite him to walk on water.
Jesus did just that, and Peter ventured out onto the water. Walking — on water!
Trouble arose when Peter’s attention switched from Jesus to the wind. He became afraid once again, and started sinking. But Jesus stretched forth his hand and saved Peter from sinking.
Jesus asked Peter why he doubted. I’ll bet Peter pondered that question the rest of his life, and learned from it. Because it got written down, people have been able to ponder that question themselves ever since — and learn from it, too. Why doubt the Lord? Why be afraid?
Jesus and Peter got on the ship, the wind ceased, and disaster was averted. (Read all about it in Matthew 14.)
Jesus saves. Jesus saves!
“Prove him now.”
Jesus saves NOW
I noticed other recordings of our song usually leave out verse three “♫♪ Souls in danger, look above … ♫♪”. It may be because most people singing it are already born again. But salvation is not just about getting born again. Salvation is also about living in our new wholeness. That’s something we work on as long as we draw breath. And, in this life we deal with all kinds of fears, anxiety, sickness — many temptations to doubt the Lord. I think all of us can use the encouragement verse three offers. And — hey — SOMETIMES someone might be hearing this song who has not yet accepted God’s gift of new life. Sure it adds a minute to the song, but I didn’t want to shortchange anyone.
Jesus still rescues, Jesus still saves — in all kinds of situations. He has tremendous love and power to save to the uttermost. What a Lord and Savior!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6,7 NIV)
It does not matter what storms you are in, or what has happened before. He IS reaching out to you! Today is the day to take his hand, receive His love and deliverance — and then sing — with fresh thanksgiving — “Love Lifted Me”.
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
LYRICS: Love Lifted Me
Song by James Rowe (1912)
I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more,
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.
Love lifted me!
Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me!
All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling,
In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing,
Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul’s best songs,
Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs.
Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves,
He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves;
He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey,
He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.

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This song was first posted June 28, 2019.
New song video and article revisions posted February 10, 2023.
Good evening mr dale, yes “LOVE “……did lift us up, OUR FATHER GOD ‘S WORD HAVE BEEN LIFTING US UP SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME, OUR FATHER GOD HAS DONE AN AMAZING WORK, TRYING TO KEEP OUR HEADS ABOVE WATER, We say we trust “HIM”, but do we, like u said, Peter trusted, OUR FATHER JESUS, FOR A MOMENT, AND HE WAS LIFTED UP Walking on water, but when he took his eyes off of OUR FATHER JESUS, …he began to sink, us humans are like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode, OUR FATHER GOD HAS GIVING SO MANY GHANCES, Mr Dale, OUR FATHER GOD HAS SHOWED US FROM THE BEGINNING, OF HOW MUCH HE LOVES US, HE EVEN SENT HIS WORD, PERSONALLY, IN THE FLESH OF OUR FATHER JESUS, ..All We have to do is trust HIM IN BELIEVING HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS… And We Will be lifted up for Eternity, “LOVE LIFTED ME, Another amazing song and sermon mr dale…OUR FATHER JESUS HAS TRULY LIFTED U UP, SO U CAN SHARE THE GOOD NEWS…AND THE…. GOOD NEWS IS…….NEVER TAKE OUR EYES OFF OF HIM…..And we will be lifted up for Eternity
your songs and sermons does lift my spirit, because, when I read your sermons, I can go on and on about how amazing OUR FATHER JESUS IS …. Blessing 🙏 upon blessings 🙏, goes out to u and Cathy, u both, please keep lifting each others up, ..u two be very blessed..with lots of 💘 and blessings 🙏…
Julia, thanks for your note and insights and blessings! The Lord’s love does indeed lift people. Always has, always will. The Lord is righteous and just, and hates evil. We don’t ever want to take that for granted. But, also, the Lord has more experience than anyone else that dead people can be made alive and that redemption — buying back sinners like us and giving us LIFE — is not only possible but also BEAUTIFUL! So much to be thankful for. Keep on leading, bringing the light of His love to people you encounter. The world is brighter because of the love you reflect from the Lord. Thanks! God bless you lots — Dale R.
This is one of my favorite scenes in scripture! I actually used that image of Jesus reaching his hand through the waves as the background for my “virtuous woman chart” (daily goals and habits tracker) to remind myself that Jesus helps us. That question he asks Peter, “Why did you doubt?” haunts me in a good way. I’m currently in a season of taking on new and scary leadership responsibilities. This encouraged me today. 🙂