It was the first day of Kindergarten. My youngest daughter, not quite 5, paused by the front door to summon the courage for her first school bus ride into the unknown. What did she do? She sang THIS song. It was hers. She owned it. She used it. She prevailed.
It looks like a kid’s song. Does a song remain a kid’s song when the singer grows up and still enjoys singing it?
Like an acorn growing into a mighty oak, a good song learned as a child can provide beauty and even shelter for a lifetime. Learning good songs is literally an investment in quality living.
Please give this song a listen, then come back here and let me share more about this little gem.
Cindy Bernardini’s teachings and writings continue to help people become better parents who raise better children. She wrote this song long enough ago that thousands of kids (mine included) grew up with it beautifully etched in their hearts. It is a song people like the first time they hear it and cherish through the years as it bubbles up to comfort and encourage, especially in times of need.
I hope posting this wonderful song here will help get it out to more people who will teach it to their children. In years to come, they, like my own children, will reflect that this is one of their all-time best loved songs. Cindy … THANK YOU! Well done! God bless you lots!!!!
“What is a children’s song?”
I’ve been blessed to learn from many good teachers through the years. Among the best of the best was Dr. Robert Borg, a University of Minnesota professor, who taught elementary classroom music teaching methods. His content was clear and practical. His teaching style taught volumes all by itself.
One day Dr. Borg asked the class, “What is a children’s song?” We stumbled around to discover a definition. As his manner was, he let us run for awhile, then offered an answer. He rolled out several songs from folk, Broadway, pop, gospel … and demonstrated that lots of songs have a basic goodness and attraction that work for all ages. You can learn these songs young and still be warmed and encouraged by them after many years of living.
Is “Amazing Grace” a kid’s song? It sure could be. Is “Oh Susanna” only a kid’s song? Nope. Is “Country Roads” a kid’s or an adult song? How about “I See The Moon”? “Yellow Rose of Texas”? “Ragtime Cowboy Joe”? “Down In The Valley”? “39th Street Bridge Song”? I have found each of these songs, and many others, to be endearing, useful — even fun — for people of all ages.
Why I like this song
This song has a pleasant melody and is easy to sing.
But its best part is its message.
Compare this song with Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd …) and notice many of the same ideas shared in both. Through a few short lines, carried by a peaceful and confident melody, we run these affirmations through our sometimes frazzled minds:
- The Lord is walking with me
- Even in a dark night (when I feel most vulnerable) the Lord is with me
- Because He is there, I will not be afraid
- God’s Word assures and guides me in bad times and … always
- God is not lost, even though I might feel lost
- I will focus on the hope, the promise of life to come and everything related, and … KEEP WALKING
Do you see ideas from Psalm 23 in this song? Isn’t this a rich song?!?
What a resource for our little girl that first day of Kindergarten!
What a gem for you to sing as you go through the day walking with your Lord!
God bless you lots,
-Dale R.
Download this music chord sheet
LYRICS: Walking With My Lord
Song by Cindy Bernardini
Walking with my Lord
Through the darkest night.
I will never be afraid;
God’s Word is my light.
He has traveled here before;
He will show the way.
Walking with my Lord
Looking for the gathering day.

Let’s stay in touch
Each time I post a new song and lesson here I send a brief, cheerful note to friends of this song site. The note gives a quick description of the song and lesson along with a link to the new song’s page. It is super-easy for you to get a note from me, too. Just click the green “Song of the Week” button below and you are almost there.
To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff.
What do you think?
What songs have you continued to love for years? Share your song titles and stories in the “Leave a Reply” section below. Thanks!!! -Dale R.
Song first published March 16, 2019 at 3:28 AM. New song video and article updates posted February 1, 2023.
I am looking for the Lyrics to a song Cindy Bernardini wrote many years ago. It started…”In everything give thanks it says, as plainly as can be, in God’s Word, the Bible, that He gave to you and me.”
(Chorus): “Give thanks, Give thanks, in everything you do. Keep looking for the blessings God’s intended just for you.”
The songbook was green; the “Little Tin Soldier” was in it along with the song you mentioned about “Walking With My Lord”.
Hi Linda. Thanks for visiting this song site. Please check your email for a reply. God bless you lots! — Dale R.
Good evening mr dale, what an amazing song and sermon, as always, “WALKING WITH THE LORD”
GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING ,”..WHEN OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD WALKED WITH ADAM IN THE COOL OF THE DAY..That sounds so beautiful,,WALKING WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, WHAT AN AMAZING WAY TO LIVE An yes it is impossible to enjoy or love a song as a child, and grow into an adult an enjoy it still or more, because doing all them years, u become more accustomed to it, like anything, it grows with u, ..u are living proof, she must have learnt that from u and Cathy, I can see the little child in u when u sang your songs, back to walking with OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS, There’s no better way of living, because if we walk and talk with OUR FATHER, we lack nothing , BECAUSE HE HAS ALL IN HIS HANDS… …THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, .. I PRAY THAT PSALM EVERY MORNING BEFORE, I LEAVE HOME, …I remembered mr dale rushing out to work one day and forgot to knell and pray the 23rd psalm and when i left for work, I felt bad, but when I got to work, I did knell down and prayed, u are and awesome teacher mr dale, thanks again, MAY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS CONTINUE TO BLESS U BOTH 🙏 “ALWAYS “
Julia, thanks for sharing. Life is just too short NOT to value child-like faith. We don’t live long enough to know very much — but most are given enough days in this life to accept God’s gift of life through Jesus Christ. Then … well … love from there! Thanks again — God bless you lots — D.
Oh how I wish I had opened this post yesterday instead of today! Yesterday, your youngest daughter was at another scary door – the one that opened to an interview. I was pretty jittery! This might calmed me better and reminded me of the precious truth that God is always with me! But song or not, the truth remains with me and has made me feel more at peace when I call it to remembrance.
Other recent scary doors… Last month we closed the door to our first house as a married couple in Houston and opened the door back in Florida. A scary and stressful transition. Your oldest daughter visited during that process and started playing instrumental hymns in the background as we worked and packed. I continued the habit after she left. The hymns kept me sane during the stress of moving several state away. The playlist seemed to always start with “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” which was just the reminder I needed! I definitely agree that, “Learning good songs is literally an investment in quality living.”
Thank you for your faithfulness to post quality content.
Your Youngest Daughter
Thanks for sharing this, Sarah. It is not often I get to hear from the person one of these song lessons is about. You are God’s best! Love you lots — D.
It’s true, this song still flows through my veins and has comforted and encouraged me countless times! As an adult it always draws my mind to Psalm 27 too – The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? The picture you posted at the end of a father with two daughters got me misty. It’s us, isn’t it pa? Thank you (again and again) for giving us these songs and walking them with us.
Always 🙂
Thanks! I was feeling a little edgy… well more than a little. I had a choice of which song to hear and I choose to click your link. I had something really nice happen to me, then knew in my spirit someone crossed me. I found out today what was revealed to me this person actually… did a very selfish thing. I’m sorry weary of being the one slammed. So done with it. Your sound took away some of the burden, thk u
Someone commented “repentance” is one of the most amazing privileges God built into our relationship with Him. He gave people the ability to recover from errors and keep moving toward Him. Apparently that was NOT made available to the angels. But people can mess up and still have a way to get back. Glad He lets me recover. Makes it a greater joy to think others whose lives touch ours might recover, too! Thanks for your note! God bless ya! – Dale 🙂