My Jesus I Love Thee

This is a fine old gospel song, very much worth knowing because it gives back to us every time we sing it. This song is a wonderful treasure we can “have to give to him that needs”. Please give it a sing-along listen, then come back and read about “youth” in the ministry.

Let no one despise your youth

First, a bio on this song’s lyricist, borrowed from Wikipedia:

William Ralph Featherston (1848–1875) is not known to have written any other songs. Not much is known about Featherston, except that he attended a Methodist church in Montreal, that he was young when he wrote the poem (12 or 16 years old), and that he died before his 27th birthday. One story about how the poem became public is that Featherston mailed it to his aunt in Los Angeles who, upon reading it, quickly sought its publication. It wasn’t until several years after Featherston’s death that Adoniram Judson Gordon (founder of Gordon College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) added a melody and published it in his book of hymns, thus forever transforming this poem to a song.

Wow! Written by a 16-year old? Maybe even a 12-year old?

But “kids” can’t write this beautifully. CAN THEY?

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12 NKJV)

The 4-14 window

This picture shows when most people get saved. The picture is priceless:

The “4-14 window”

Most people make a decision for Jesus Christ between ages 4 and 14. (Check out The Barna Group for more on this.) One thing seems clear: evangelism is most effective among kids.

Two important points

1) Our song, “My Jesus I Love Thee” is an example of what a “kid” can contribute. He wrote the words at 16, maybe even 12 years old. The lyrics are beautiful and profound.

Let no one despise your youth! Go right ahead: think, speak and write beautifully.

2) It’s a mistake to think “kids” couldn’t learn to sing a song like this — because of the big words and lofty thoughts. Let’s agree these are words and thoughts that help kids grow up. Start ’em young on these finer things.

Let no one despise THEIR youth! Give them God’s best early and often.

Let’s look around. See anyone four to fourteen? Let’s don’t look the other way! The field is white to harvest. What could be sweeter to anyone’s ears than to hear any, but especially a “youngster” say — or write a song which says — “My Jesus, I love thee” ?

God bless you LOTS!
-Dale R.

Text: William R. Featherstone (1864)
Tune: Adoniram Judson Gordon (1876)

1 My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine;
For thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou;
If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

2 I love thee because thou hast first loved me
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;
I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow;
If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

3 In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore thee, ever blessed in your light.
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow:
If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Let’s stay in touch

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To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)

Song of the Week

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First posted July 4, 2019. New song video and revised article posted October 6, 2024.

11 Replies to “My Jesus I Love Thee”

  1. Julia Witchard

    Good early morning again Mr Dale, AND Ms Cathy, I just wanted to say again. …we all have “TALENTS ” And it’s up to us to use them to help carry out “THE WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER. And we are to used them for HIS GLORY, ……NOT OUR ….AS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS DID…..blessings again to all…

  2. Julia Witchard

    Good early morning Mr Dale and Ms Cathy…thanks again for sharing that amazing Song and sermon…”MY JESUS”, I love “THEE”…Such music to my ears…Mr Dale OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD DID SAY “COME UNTO ME AS A LITTLE CHILD,..”MEANING PURE IN HEART” …BECAUSE ONLY THE PURE IN HEART SHALL , THE FATHER HOLY SPIRIT REVEAL “HIMSELF “…AND WHO BETTER CAN HE USE , “A CHILD, WHO IS PURE IN HEART… OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD CAN USE ANYONE HE PLEASES, TO GET HIS WORD, WHERE IT MAY BENEFIT HIS AMAZING GRACE WILL…….THAT YOUNG MAN, WAS BORN TO BE USED BY OUR CREATOR, NO MATTER HOW SHORT HIS LIFE SEEMED TO US, HE did the. WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER, THAT HE Was born. to do…what he went through, was a life time for him…his life was not about how longed he lived but for the purpose he was chosen to carry out….”TO LET US KNOW, THE GRACE AND MERCY OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER GOD …THE LOVE HE BESTOWED UPON US…”AMAZING GRACE…LOVE….HE lived to show OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS. in himself.. the question is Mr Dale, what do
    us⁷ humans learn from that amazing song that , that young man wrote…so we have another chance, with u, bringing it back to life, u sanged it quite well Mr Dale….thanks again to u both for all u do, to keep us inspired of knowing…THE AMAZING GRACE POWER THAT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD HAS……USING WHOM SOEVER HE WILL, WHEN HE WANTS TOO AND HOW HE WANTS TOO……..Much love and blessings goes out to u both…and to all.

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Carol, thanks for sharing. I agree … that pie chart is fascinating. Barna — who did those studies, gave us a valuable perspective! God bless you lots — Dale R.

    1. Michael Johnson

      God bless you brother Dale,
      I fit into that 10% window. I received Jesus Christ when I was 20. Working at a high school rather consistently for the last 10 or so years, I love seeing Featherston’s inspiration at such an early age. I send $$ to events for youth to hear just this and watch them turn their hearts to JESUS, THE CHRIST. There is no other. Might as well start early combating the enemy.
      It’s good for those of us who are now on in a few years to reflect and not forget “to be immitators of God as dear children.” Ephesians 5:1 What a blessing to my soul this morning. Thank you sir for putting this song our here a 2nd time, TODAY! I used to sing this to my children at a young age.

      1. Dale Reichel Post author

        Michael, thanks for your note. 10% still puts you in good company — and aren’t you glad you didn’t wait longer?!? So many things might have been so different … I doubt better. What marvelous memories you and your three kids can share through this song and others like it, I’m sure. It has blessed so many for lots of years now. God is good. Wishing you God’s best — drDR.

  3. Julia Witchard

    Mr dale, I love the song u played .my “JESUS ” I love , “THEE, ” those are very strong lyrics…my JESUS I LOVE U, BECAUSE , I am YOURS, OUR FATHER JESUS IS SO AMAZING, OUR FATHER JESUS IS My Everything, thank u mr Dale for spreading the “GOSPEL, through your songs, MAY OUR FATHER JESUS, CONTINUES To always bless u to spread HIS WORDS…be blessed, mr Dale , be very blessed and may OUR FATHER HOLY SPIRIT, TRAVEL WITH your mind to inspire others to learn of OUR FATHER JESUS, And to truly know “HIM, thanks again mr Dale…OUR FATHER JESUS LOVES u…ALWAYS…

  4. Fred Grant

    One of my young (7 years old) ukulele students who attends a Roman Catholic elementary school just started speaking in tongues during a lesson one day. She told me it was her secret language. I told her that I did that too and that you can’t do it unless God is helping you. Then we sang in tongues together. Kids are spectacular.

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Fred, thanks for sharing! Kids are indeed spectacular! (And … I wish I’d had you for a teacher when I was that age — well, at any age. You are without question one of the best music ministers I’ve ever met.) God bless you lots – Dale 🙂


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