He’s A Wonderful Savior To Me

The secret of radiant living is to fix our attention on the Lord and His doings. The Lord and His doings — that’s the subject of this hundred-year-old classic hymn. It is a good one to know and sing as we walk the path of radiant living. Please give it a sing-along listen, then we’ll go explore the mountain top view of the Lord’s doings that Ephesians so wonderfully gives us. Shine on!

Getting to know our wonderful Savior

The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are a wonderful place to go to learn what Jesus did during his earthly ministry.

The Church Epistles (Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians) are a wonderful place to go to learn the significance of what Jesus did — and is still doing– in his ministry.

We learn lots about what it looks like to live powerfully for God by reading how Jesus did it in the Gospels. They should be read much.

But we need to understand that some very important things Jesus accomplished for mankind are not made known in the Gospels — but ARE made known for the first time in the Bible in the Church Epistles. Bible treasure hunts done in the Church Epistles never disappoint.

Ephesians — though one of the shorter epistles — gives us a remarkable mountaintop view of the size and scope of what Jesus accomplished for mankind. There is nothing else in the Bible quite like Ephesians. If we want to look at the Lord and His doings, Ephesians is a great place to go. Let’s spend a little time there right now.

♫♪ I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me ♫♪

Our song begins “I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me … I was bound by fear but Jesus set me free.” These words glow okay on their own, but watch them light up the entire sky when we add the understanding from Ephesians 2. There we are told to remember that in the past we had to navigate this world guided by forces that reject God … living our days as children of wrath … without Christ … without hope … without God … . Yikes!

One of the best “but God” lines anywhere is in Ephesians 2 — But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us … has made us alive together with Christ (by grace you are saved) … and has raised us up together and made us sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. WHY? So in ages to come He’d be able to show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

Get to know what Ephesians says the Lord has already done and continues to do for you and me — then go back and sing this song again. It will light you up!

♫♪ He’s a friend so true, so patient and so kind ♫♪

Our song’s second verse begins, ” He’s a friend so true, so patient and so kind…” As we sing, our focus remains on the Lord and what He is doing — and again Ephesians is able to send us up to higher, grander views. We read that Jesus is our peace. He came and preached peace to us who were afar off. Through him we have access by one spirit to the Father. We no longer are stuck being at odds with God or His promises.

Through the cross Jesus Christ slew that which separated us from God and from His household. We are no longer strangers or foreigners — excluded from the things of God — but rather we are now citizens of His realm together with the saints. We are members of the household of God.

Members of God’s household. Who talks like this? God does! Read it in Ephesians.

Calling all lights of the world … fuel up! Look at the Lord and what He is doing and shine! If you are looking for the next step, try reading Ephesians every day for a week — and sing this song a few times, too. Light the place up!

This week read Ephesians
Oh, the blessings you’ll see!
You’ll declare, “He’s a wonderful
Savior to me!”

God bless you lots,
Dale R.

Download this song sheet

LYRICS: He’s a Wonderful Savior to Me
Text: Virgil Prentiss Brock, 1918
Tune: Blanche Kerr Brock

1. I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me;
I was bound by fear, but Jesus set me free,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.

For He’s a wonderful Savior to me.
He’s a wonderful savior to me;
I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.

2. He’s a friend so true, so patient and so kind,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me;
Everything I need in Him I always find,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.

3. He is always near to comfort and to cheer,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me;
He forgives my sins,
He dries my every tear,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.

4. Dearer grows the love of Jesus day by day,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.
Sweeter is His grace while pressing on my way,
He’s a wonderful Savior to me.

Let’s stay in touch

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To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)

Song of the Week

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First posted November 5, 2021. New song video and revised article posted October 16, 2024.

5 Replies to “He’s A Wonderful Savior To Me”

  1. Julia Witchard


  2. Beth DeVoe

    But God … two words that contain eternity! I’ve loved this song since childhood and have been singing it since l heard you play. Thank you for the melodic encouragement .

  3. Julia M Witchard

    Good evening mr dale, what an amazing song…OUR FATHER JESUS IS A WONDERFUL SAVIOR TO ME…. .” YES HE IS MR DALE…YES HE IS..HE IS SOOOOOOO AWESOME..”HE CAME ” “HE CONQUER ” …AND FINISHED THE WORK HE WAS SENT HERE TO DO…”MOST OF ALL, HE DIED SO WE MIGHT LIVE “..IN YOUR SONG, MR.DALE..IT TELLS IT ALL….EVERYTHING THAT HE CAME HERE TO DO..IN RIGHT THERE IN YOUR SONG…HE IS A MIGHTY SAVIOR.. This little light of mine, I will let it shine..just like u are letting your light shine…so keep the candle burning, mr dale, and shine on..u and Cathy…and May the blessings 🙏 of OUR FATHER JESUS, CONTINUE TO BLESS U 🙏 🙌 BOTH.. …..tonight I will be reading Ephesus….and thanks again for all u do…I listened to your song on utube….”AWESOME “…

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Julia, thanks for your note. He is indeed a mighty savior! Thanks for your blessings. God bless YOU lots! Dale R.


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