He Is Able To Deliver

Kinds of lions

Lyin’ lions

So, what do we know about these lions? Let’s read from Daniel 6:
Now it pleased Darius to appoint 120 satraps [local leaders] to rule throughout the kingdom, and over them three administrators, including Daniel, to whom these satraps were accountable so that the king would not suffer loss. Soon, by his extraordinary spirit, Daniel distinguished himself among the administrators and satraps. So the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. Thus the administrators and satraps sought a charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no charge or corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him. (Daniel 6:1 ff BSB)

Daniel — by his “extraordinary spirit” had won the king’s confidence. The king was placing Daniel in charge over the 120 satraps (local rulers) and — it seems — the other two administrators. The king said they would all accountable to Daniel. Daniel’s job description: to keep these leaders in line “so that the king would not suffer loss.”

Given that they could find no corruption or negligence or reason to distrust Daniel, we can understand why the king would give Daniel such a high office.

Given the way the rest of them responded, we can understand why the king might be correct to expect he would suffer loss if those satraps were left to their own devices.

Why did those evil leaders want Daniel dead? We find our clue there in Daniel 6. They were the sort of people who would cause loss to the king and they knew Daniel was the sort of person who would expose and foil their schemes. And they understood that there was a den of lions in town to handle evil people like them — if they got caught. No one was going to change their ways, neither the satraps nor Daniel. It was them or Daniel. Clearly, Daniel had to go. They did what such people do — they lied, schemed and plotted murder. Since they were in government, they employed a handy and “clean” method known today as “lawfare”. Fascinating to see lawfare goes way, way back.

Did you know a group of lions is called a “pride”? A pride of lions. How fitting. 1 Peter tells us about the top lion that leads and motivates such murderous lyin’ lions as these we find trying to devour Daniel:

Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 BSB) You may have heard that old poem with the line “He has no hands but our hands …” The poem encourages us to be willing hands and feet for our Lord. We should not be surprised to hear our adversary has people working for him, too. We’ve been tipped off. Peter has told us to be sober-minded and alert.

Corinthians adds this light: “… in order that Satan should not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11 BSB). Satan should not succeed in outwitting us — but we kid ourselves if we don’t see that the possibility of being outwitted is real. Let’s stay close to the Lord and be sober-minded and alert.

(Oh — how can we explain the surprising behavior of the other — the jungle — kind of lions? Daniel said God sent His angel, and that got it done. With the Lord and Daniel, it seems there was never a dull moment.)


God’s thoughts and ways are above ours. He did not build us to be defeated by evil. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” God had Daniel’s back, and He has ours, too.

Can I have a “praise the Lord!” ?

These evil men “sought a charge” — sought “an occasion” against Daniel. Recall Samson, too, “sought an occasion” — in his case — “against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel.”

But God — look what He orchestrated with these occasions. If Daniel had hidden his faith “underground”, the problem — and threat to Daniel — from both the evil lions AND the hungry lions remained. Daniel’s faith and faithfulness provided an occasion for God to act.

And act He did. A threat of two kinds of lions — evil ones and hungry ones. God was able to use one problem to solve another. And so Daniel was delivered that day, and his story has helped countless millions since then see and believe that He is able to deliver.

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2 Replies to “He Is Able To Deliver”

  1. Linda Youmans

    Dale I just love this record in the Word of God. Carl and I traveled to PA last Fall to see the Daniel production at the Sight and Sound Theatre, and it was fabulous. I sing a song occasionally named “Dare to Be a Daniel” and it help me to hear this song as well. It shows the effectiveness of our prayers and that with God we can stand against the fear and evil forces against us in this fallen world. Love that we WIN. I love how God exposes the enemy’s plan and deceit, and we are seeing this today, Praise God. Thank you, sir, for your ministry and sharing it with me.

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Linda, thanks so much for your comments and kind words. Great thoughts on Daniel and WINNING. Great joy in the way God continues to work through a bunch of us imperfect people to will and do of His good pleasure, daring us to get tired of winning. I know it has not always been immediately obvious to everyone what God is up to. Joshua and Caleb saw what the other ten spies saw, but saw it very differently. Still a feature of humans – some of us are seeing today as the start of a golden era … some are seeing disaster. Just imagine THAT! God’s best to you always. -D


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