Peace I Give To You

I asked the Google what were the MOST and LEAST searched for items. Among hits in one of the “least” lists I found “hash brown cd-rom tutorial”. I might not have guessed that. Among hits in one of the “most” lists I found “Is peace possible?”. That one I did guess. I checked on another authority, the Bible, and found — according to estimates taken from one survey of fifteen English versions — “peace” shows up in Bibles from about 263 to 428 times. (Examples cited — ASV: 428, KJV: 420, NIV: 263.) It is safe to say — 1) People are looking for peace and 2) the Bible says what many millions have experienced themselves: Jesus brings peace. Please give our song a sing-along listen, then come right back and we’ll look at some parts and pieces of peace.

Peace in parts, pieces and personal action

For advice on things we can do to increase personal peace, Dr. John Delony posted a fine article I’m happy to refer you to (see ). Tips he describes with friendly how-to descriptions include:
— Face uncomfortable truths head-on
— Connect with people you love and trust
— Spend time outside
— Sleep
— Listen to music
. . . along with eleven more, all doable, all helpful. (True confession: I was fascinated how many of his suggestions I’ve needed to use each week to make these “Bible lessons and songs for kids of all ages”. His article documents ways this song project helps my peace. His article reminded me how thankful I am to get to do these posts, and how over the top blessed I am that you are spending your time and keeping me company by reading these notes. THANK YOU SO MUCH!)

More peace

I’ve collected a few Bible notes on good peace practice. Here are quick summaries of three I hope you’ll chew on.

  1. Peace in knowing our place.
    In Ephesians Paul prays, “I ask that out of the riches of His glory He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then you, being rooted and grounded in love, will have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth…”. He does not mention peace explicitly, but look at the things he mentions that provide a foundation for the kind of peace God delivers to the saints through Jesus Christ. To “comprehend the length and width and height and depth” suggests we have a sense of “our place” because we have an idea what is around us, below us and above us. If God is indeed strengthening us with power through His Spirit, and Christ is dwelling in our hearts through faith, and we are rooted and grounded in love and members of the fellowship of all saints — just where does that put us relative to what is up and down and sideways from the spot we occupy? Soak up these “place” words and feel the peace.
  2. Peace in knowing the power of the Prince of Peace
    Matthew 4 and Luke 4 tell when Jesus was in the wilderness “being forty days tempted of the devil”. Then after what had to have been forty remarkable and not totally pleasant days, we read “and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. And the devil said unto him …”. As if forty days were not enough, the devil just kept provoking Jesus. Did Jesus finally lose it and lash out in frustration? The record tells us he kept His peace and wielded the sword of the Spirit — and the accuser finally walked away in failure. This same Jesus shows up as “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” What peace does His example — and His presence in us — impart? Breathe it in. Breathe!
  3. Peace in perceiving proper possession of pressures and problems
    Galatians includes these lines, all in the same general context:
    Brothers, if someone is caught in a trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him with a spirit of gentleness. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ ….
    If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself….
    Each one should test his own work. Then he will have reason to boast in himself alone, and not in someone else. For each one should carry his own load
    [his own burden in KJV].
    Peace and mercy to all who walk by this rule …

    Notice “carry one another’s burdens”
    “each one should carry his own load [burden]”.

    So, which is it? Carry your own burden yourself or others are supposed to carry your burden, too? We can understand this better when we see there are two different burdens — two different Greek words. It seems that the burden we share with others deals with supporting — and not piling condemnation and criticism on — a person who was caught in a trespass, and who is working to climb out and correct the wrong. We help by encouraging him back into the fellowship, avoiding the temptation to become a stumbling block that only hurts him further. We share the burden by helping to restore the person who messed up so he doesn’t get crushed by condemnation – which is an outcome the adversary would love.

    Then there are burdens that only that person can bear. For this kind of burden 2 Corinthians gives us these enlightening words from the Lord to Paul: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” The Lord promises sufficient grace for the person to bear the sort of burden he alone must carry. God does not promise to give you or me sufficient grace to bear someone else’s personal burden — the kind described as “each person should carry his own …”. To try to take on another’s unsharable burden might crush us — or at least deprive us of peace. We should always seek the Lord’s guidance to understand who “possesses the problem” and engage accordingly. If we can help, we should. If it is between the Lord and that person, leave it there. Even though we are unable to carry such a burden for the other, we can still love, encourage and believe for God’s best solution. This whole section in Galatians concludes with “Peace and mercy to all who walk by this rule …”. Things to think about.

The Prince of Peace

Our song’s lyrics come from this verse: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid [John 14:27 BSB]. Even though Jesus had told the Twelve what was about to be done to him, they just did not seem to understand or believe him. Jesus spoke these words to them only hours before he was arrested.

His love, poise, faith and confidence to speak such peace to them is amazing. “My peace I give to you. …do not be afraid.” What an example, what a savior! This Prince of Peace is still saying to everyone who will receive it, “Peace I give to you.”

God bless you lots
-Dale R.

Download this song sheet

LYRICS – Peace I Give To You
1. Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you;
Not as the world gives
Do I give to you.

2. Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you;
Not as the world gives
Do I give to you.

3. Peace peace
Peace peace
Peace peace
Peace peace.

4. Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.
Peace I give to you, hallelujah!
Peace peace.

Let’s stay in touch

Each time I post a new song and lesson here I send a brief, cheerful note to friends of this song site. The note gives a quick description of the song and lesson along with a link to the new song’s page. It is super-easy for you to get a note from me, too. Just click the green “Song of the Week” button below and you are almost there.

To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)

Song of the Week

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2 Replies to “Peace I Give To You”

  1. Julia Witchard

    Good evening Mr Dale and Ms Cathy, another amazing song and sermons by Dr Delony and yourself, beautifully quoted by the two of u, it tells all about how AWESOME AND AMAZING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS TRULY IS, HE SET SO MUCH IN FRONT OF US WHEN HE CAME PERSONALLY TO US TO FREE US UP OF ALL THE CAOAS THAT WE FACE EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES, WHY DO WE WORRY, Mr Dale, like u both quoted, as OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS SO QUOTED, MY PEACE I GIVE TO U, THAT’S WHY I CAME…AND WHEN I HAVE DONE ALL I CAME HERE TO DO…THAT SAME PEACE I WILL LEAVE WITH U…ALL ANYONE HAS TO DO IS SIT AT HIS FEET STEPS AND LEARN FROM OUR MASTER…”FOR OUR FATHER GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON SO THAT WE MIGHT HAVE THAT PEACE IN HIM, ..SO WHY WOULD WE TAKE UP THAT CROSS AGAIN, WHEN HE LAID IT DOWN FOR US TO GIVE US THAT AMAZING GRACE PEACE?, “HE STRETCHED OUT HIS ARMS AND DIED “,There is a lot of knowledge in both the sermons…all anyone has to do is read and meditate on them both and they too can have that “AMAZING GRACE PEACE….Thanks Mr Dale and Ms Cathy for sharing both the sermons…..May u both always, have that peace of mind that was freely given to us…”MAY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS CONTINUE TO BLESS U BOTH ALWAYS…….I speak these words with lots of love ❤️ and blessings 🙌..

    1. Dale Reichel Post author

      Hi Julia, Thanks for your note and blessings! Good comments! I love that line you wrote, “He set so much in front of us when he came personally to us to free us up of all the chaos that we face every day of our lives”. So true! He’s a wonderful savior to all! Wishing you God’s BEST! — Dale R.


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