Our lovely, rather simple song is listed at Hymnary.org as old enough to be public domain. Neither date nor composer are known. They suggest an old story from 1750’s Virginia may have inspired the song. The story goes that a certain man said to a Presbyterian preacher, “I come to you, sir, that you may tell me some good things concerning Jesus Christ and my duty to God, for I am resolved not to live any more as I have done … Sir, I want to be a Christian.” Think of the joy such a request would bring to Heaven. All the more because the man seeks not only to accept God’s gracious gift of salvation, but he wants to honor that new life by living differently – to start living in light of the good things of Christ and of man’s duty to God. This simple song carries a glorious request which is music to the Lord’s ears. Please give it a sing-along listen, then come back for a chat about people partnering with the Lord to bring impossible dreams to pass.
Impossible dreams
Near the top of the list of “impossible dreams” we might find “world peace”, “ending world hunger” and – for fun – let’s toss in “fixing stupid”. These have been discussed in every forum, both serious and humorous, ranging from the loftiest think tanks all the way down to car bumper stickers. (You may have seen someone’s bumper preach, “World peace begins with your turn signal.” Brilliant. Or – even more off point – “Visualize whirled peas.” Bumper wisdom about world hunger says: “The solution to world hunger is eating.” Comedians and handymen have weighed in on that “stupid” problem, pointing out “You can’t fix stupid … not even with duct tape.”)
We laugh at these problems because that is about all we know to do. And that is because all of these problems are too big for humans alone to fix.
Impossible dreams meet miraculous solutions
Such impossible dreams require God-sized solutions. The good news is that the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus taught about brought not only a King, but also brought “Kingdom ways” which make solutions for problems like these possible. True, some solutions are still coming, but let us understand that there is much, much Kingdom help available on Earth right now, today.
Jesus gave a summary of the plan when he taught them to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
Notice that the place is Earth. But the time is not specified.
Years ago in the wilderness God told the children of Israel to go take the Promised Land. Both place and time were included in the promise. They decided to give God’s instructions a safety check, and sent twelve spies to scope out the job.
Ten spies reported,
“Great place, but no way we can beat the giants living there. NO GO!”
Two spies reported,
“Great place, and those giants will fall. God’s promises are good. LET’S GO!”
They could have taken the land THEN, as God said. But they didn’t. The Book says all but those two – Caleb and Joshua – failed to see the promise and died in the wilderness. The next generation stepped up to God’s promise and received the blessing.
The point is that the place – and God’s promise – did not change. The time – and which generation got to see it come to pass – were in the hands of the people. Let’s understand that lesson.
The children of Israel needed to step up to the fight. One generation refused to. Another took it on and got it done and God gave them victory after victory.
Today we are in a boat like theirs.
The Lord’s Kingdom, and the “Kingdom ways” became available long ago. When humans submit to the King and His ways, impossible dreams like world peace, ending world hunger and even “fixing stupid” become possible.
The call – and the gift of ability – to preach the gospel, to make disciples of all the nations, to be salt and light and to occupy were given to mankind two thousand years ago.
Yes, Jesus is returning. The Father knows when. But for many it is becoming clear that we were not created in Christ Jesus unto the “good works” of wishing he would fix everything while we wait for him to get us out of here before things get really bad.
For too long the enemy has sat in the places of world authority and used the power of those offices to do their master’s bidding – to steal, kill and destroy. But we live in days – right now – in which the lights are coming on and their evil ways are being exposed. Their days are numbered.
We have good reason to believe that today the called out of God are on the threshold of remarkable growth in numbers and influence. That news is firing up faith and action around the world.
How many more generations will pass before one will do what Caleb and Joshua did?
The only time anyone ever has is now. There is work to do now.
The question is, do we have the heart it takes to do it?
Building strong hearts
Fulfilling our commission as sons of God will take strong hearts. Let’s look at just a few points on how to build strong hearts for the Lord.
1. Know that our heart’s condition is our own responsibility.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”
(Proverbs 4:23, NIV)
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
(John 14:27)
2. Grow a strong heart for the Lord by spending time with Him – through prayer, through scriptures, through fellowship with others and through hearing those who speak on His behalf. (Apostles and prophets still operate today. Get to know some of them – listen.)
3. Employ spiritual manifestations found in 1 Corinthians 12 to increase strength, for help to serve bigger and to better discern what is going on around us – to recognize genuine works and workers. (Side benefit – working with the spirit brings more fruit of the spirit, including peace, which guards hearts.)
So much winning!
Remember it melts the Lord’s heart to hear – and delights the Lord to answer – the person who looks up to Him and says – or even sings – “Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart.”
God bless you lots
-Dale R.
LYRICS – In My Heart (Lord I Want To Be A Christian)
1. Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart.
2. Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in my heart.
3. Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be more holy in my heart.
4. Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
In my heart, in my heart,
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart.

Let’s stay in touch
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To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)
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This is such a pleasant one to get stuck in your head! Thanks for sharing another buried treasure. It still gets me excited to think about how Christians bring light wherever they go, and I appreciate the encouragement to pray for discernment and work with God for the solutions to the hard problems. Cynicism, frustration, and even helplessness are common enough – your words and this simple song are a lovely refreshing! Thank you!
Hannah, Thanks so much for your comment, kind words and encouragement. The song grew on me as I worked with it. Like a humble-at-the-start plant that ends up giving tons of beautiful flowers. The song languished in the “queue” for many weeks, and I was not sure if it had enough “weight” to be useful. It jumped to the front of the line one morning when I read a couple of chapters in Jeremiah about the amazing (amazingly bad) way some people thought and treated both him and the Lord because of the hardness of their hearts. I was struck by the importance of “heart” — and how far “knowledge” alone falls short in the important areas of life. And so the song found the sermon, and I’m pleased with the result. So glad to hear it connected with you in such a pleasant way. Thanks again … God bless you lots! — D.
Good early morning Mr Dale and Ms Cathy…GREETINGS TO U BOTH. Where do I start with this amazing song and sermon? Well, I guess I will start with the man that wanted salvation. I too want that amazing salvation and “THE DUTY TO PLEASING THE MOST HIGH” – That is all I long for, Mr Dale. I will start with NOT GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT. Reading the lyrics of the song u sang and posted is an amazing way to not “GRIEVE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER and HOLY SPIRIT “…BECAUSE IF OUR LORD JESUS IS IN our hearts, we will have no room for anything else, ALWAYS GIVING HIM PRAISE AND HONOR and keeping our hearts and minds stayed on HIM. Thanks, Mr Dale, again for posting that amazing song, PRAISING AND GIVING THANKS TO THE KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS… and thanks again for being so joyful in what u do for THE MOST HIGH. Much Appreciation to u both, for taking the time to give PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORY TO WHERE IT BELONGS. Much blessings and love to u both…
Julia, Thanks much for those great comments. I know the Lord lives in YOUR heart. It shows in the way you walk and talk and treat others. Lead on! Salt and light — what a wonderful illustration for what we get to be for people. Wishing you God’s BEST — -Dale R.
Good morning Dale. This song was a grand slam … out of the park kind of home run this morning. I like the previous commenter’s baseball analogy. Listening to this song inspired me to change an outlook from moderate (like warm) to GREAT … both feet 👣 in… 1000%. See ya shortly. I will listen to it again as ya teach & share this morning.
Michael J.
Michael, Thanks much for your note! I’m so thankful for all the times we have been able to share these songs and notes together on Sunday mornings. I trust there will be many more! Wishing you all God’s best — Dale R.
Hi Dale,
I have not heard this song for ages and ages. Maybe Sunday School? Not sure how far back but it sure brings back some great memories. Thanks again for hitting it out of the park!!!!
I so appreciate your touch on the songs you send out each week. Keep ’em coming!!!
Hope you are doing great.
Dan, thanks so much for your kind words. I don’t recall learning this one as a kid, though of course you and I were in a lot of Sunday School “plenary” sessions together. Just don’t know… but it is a delight to get to do it at THIS point. Better late then never. Wishing you all God’s best! Much love — D.