I found this song in “dusty old archives”. The only information on this song is in the form of a photo of a page from an old songbook. The label under the photo reads “Salvation Army Music: (formerly published as “Revival Music”) with supplementary tunes (1880), p.85″. No recording offered, no writer’s name, no history. As I looked at it and began to understand how the song went, I started to feel like I just might have stumbled onto a treasure. I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this is a worthwhile song. Please give it a sing-along listen, then let’s talk about it.
A picture worth a thousand words?

Salvation Army Music: (formerly published as “Revival Music”) with supplementary tunes (1880), p.85
This picture and title above are all the documentation I know of for this song called “The Very Same Jesus”. I was fascinated to see other lyrics at the bottom of this picture that go to a pair of songs on the songbook’s previous page, songs called “Tis the very Same Power” and “Pentecostal Power”. In two pages we have three interesting songs — one song driving home the good news of Jesus Christ getting up from the dead and two other songs about the power that is bundled in the new birth as described in Acts 2. I think the people publishing and singing songs like these over 140 years ago would fit right into the miraculous work God is doing in our time.
These song pages remind me that we are standing on the shoulders of people we could no doubt learn many things from if we had the chance, and who we will meet as family one bright day in the future.
The book this song came from does not seem to be a children’s song book, yet the repetition makes it seem like this should be a “children’s” song. But the book was titled “Revival Music”, later published as “Salvation Army Music”. Those titles sound grown up to me.
The simplicity of this song, along with the repetition, snuck up on me, and I found this song to carry a lot of power. It is no doubt a good song to help teach children about Jesus and the resurrection story. But at a revival meeting, at a Salvation Army meeting, with adults who were churched earlier in their lives but strayed, this song — with its lilt and repetition — could do some amazing heavy lifting. I’m sure of it. In about four minutes you could have a tent full of people singing “he rose” thirty times while being reminded of details about what Jesus endured and accomplished for each of them. Beautiful!
This same Jesus
I’ll borrow from a wonderful contemporary Bible teacher, David Guzik.
[Referring to Acts 1, the ascension …]
“As the disciples stared up into the sky, two men – apparently angels – asked, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? They told the disciples to focus on what Jesus told them to do, not in wondering where and how Jesus went.
The two men referred to Christ as “this same Jesus”. This reminds us that the Jesus who ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father is the same Jesus of the Gospels. He is the same Jesus of love, grace, goodness, wisdom and care. The Jesus in heaven is this same Jesus.
Then also added a wonderful promise: Jesus will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven. This Jesus will return just as He left.
– He left physically and will so come in like manner.
– He left visibly and will so come in like manner.
– He left from the Mount of Olives and will so come in like manner.
– He left in the presence of His disciples and will so come in like manner.
– He left blessing His people (Luke 24:50-51) and will so come in like manner.”
(For more, see https://enduringword.com/this-same-jesus/ — “David Guzik is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara. For almost 20 years believers have used his teaching notes as Bible Commentary. Many people find them helpful for their own understanding or in preparing to teach or preach the Bible. David is a regular guy who loves Jesus and His Word. He and his wife Inga-Lill live in Santa Barbara, California.”)
It is amazing and wonderful to consider that for many centuries all kinds of people — old, young, rich, poor, plain folk or fancy — people like you and me, have gone from fear and death to everlasting life, hope and confidence through and because of the very same Jesus.
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
LYRICS – The Very Same Jesus
1. ‘Tis the very same Jesus,
‘Tis the very same Jesus,
‘Tis the very same Jesus,
That day was crucified.
But he rose, he rose
He rose and went to heaven in a cloud.
2. One Joseph begged his body,
One Joseph begged his body,
One Joseph begged his body,
And laid it in the tomb.
But he rose …
3. The grave could not hold him,
The grave could not hold him,
The grave could not hold him,
For he is the Son of God.
And he rose …
4. Down came a mighty angel,
Down came a mighty angel,
Down came a mighty angel,
And rolled away the stone.
And he rose …
5. The earth began to tremble,
The earth began to tremble,
The earth began to tremble;
And the guarding soldiers fell.
And he rose …
6. Poor Mary came a weeping,
Poor Mary came a weeping,
Poor Mary came a weeping,
And looking for her Lord.
But he rose …
7. Oh where have you laid Him?
Oh where have you laid Him?
Oh where have you laid Him?
He’s not within the tomb,
For he rose …
8. Go tell John and Peter,
Go tell John and Peter,
Go tell John and Peter,
Their Jesus lives again,
For he rose …
9. Go preach to every nation,
Go preach to every nation,
Go preach to every nation,
And tell to dying men
That he rose …
10. Oh, he said he’d come again,
Oh, he said he’d come again,
Oh, he said he’d come again,
And take his people home,
For he rose …

Let’s stay in touch
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To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)
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Good evening again Mr Dale, now I am happy I didn’t comment on this song and sermon , before u just did the last one, these two goes hand in hand, ” AFTER OUR FATHER JESUS WAS NAILED TO THE CROSS AND AROSE, AND HE CERTAINLY DID AROSE, FROM THAT TOMB, HE DID WHAT NO ONE ELSE COULD DO SAVE US SINNERS, SO THAT WE MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE TO LEARN FROM HIM, HE MADE SURE THAT BEFORE HE WAS TAKEN UP IN THAT CLOUD, THAT HE TAUGHT HIS Disciples how they should continue “HIS WORK”. And like u said Mr Dale, it’s almost like the earth is revolving that is how. “HIS MESSAGE IS EVOLVING… FROM ONE DISCIPLE TO ANOTHER, “HIS WILL, WILL BE DONE, “. Because Mr Dale, OUR FATHER JESUS DID NOT DIE IN VAIN, ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS SIT AT HIS FEET STEPS AND LEARN OF HIM… U and Cathy are doing a terrific job , in keeping, HIS MEMORIES ALIVE, I really don’t know what I would have done seeing OUR FATHER JESUS, BEING NAILED TO THAT CROSS , AND THREE DAYS LATER…..”HE AROSE”, AND SITS AT THE FATHER RIGHT HAND,”. Now that’s”AMAZING GRACE “. .. Mr Dale,, thanks again to u and Cathy for sharing and. caring… much 💕 and blessings to u both……by the way Mr dale I had a lot of praying to do, for a family member, and OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS, WORKED IT OUT “PERFECTLY”.. “HE DOES ANSWER PRAYERS”…… Thanks again.for caring and sharing..
Julia, Prayer is a powerful blessing! Thankful your prayers for the family member got worked out perfectly. The Lord blesses and restores.
It gives us so much energy to see how people through the centuries have picked up the good news of the gospel of LIFE and ministered it to those around them. It started with twelve, and now there are millions and millions, and the family is still growing by leaps and bounds. Great days now, greater days ahead. Lots for all of us to do for the Lord! Keep the lamps trimmed and burning! God bless you lots — Dale R.
Love it! Thanks Dale! So simple yet so very powerful. Your notes especially bring out the depth of the truth of Jesus the same yesterday today and forever!!
Sal, thanks for your kind words and sharing those thoughts. I’m with you on this song. It stuck in my head, and I love it. “He rose. He rose. He rose.” YESSSSSS! So thankful. God bless you lots — Dale R.