Doing works like Jesus
NOT able to walk since birth,
NOW the man is walking — and LEAPING! — and praising God.
WITNESSES — most of them rejoiced.
But some were furious.
Please give this song a listen, then c’mon back for more.
I learn things faster when I can see somebody else do it. Peter and John got to see Jesus heal many people, and I’ll bet that helped them learn how to do it.
Jesus told Peter and John they would be able to do the works he had done. Acts 3 confirms Jesus told them the truth: Peter and John were able to heal the man born lame.
That is SO WONDERFUL, because Jesus did not say ONLY Peter and John would be able to do this. Everyone who accepts the life Jesus made available ALSO gets in on the promises, just like Peter and John did. I Corinthians 12 lists “gifts of healing” as one of nine ways the gift of holy spirit (which we all received with the new birth) can manifest itself in our lives.
Who does the work?
Who is supposed to do the work? Does God do it all? Does Jesus do it all? Do the angels do it all?
Jesus must have passed by this same lame man many times, and did not heal him. The miracle was reserved for Peter and John to do. WOW!
WE have been created in Christ Jesus unto good works — so there must be good works for us to do, too. And there are.
Here is the setup: We are members of the body of Christ. Wherever you go, wherever I go, THERE is a member of the body of Christ, with all the authority and power the body of Christ has been given. How many places can Jesus Christ be ministering today? As many places as the body of Christ can reach.
This is SO BIG, the Bible says if the devil had known regular people like you and me could become miracle-working members of the body of Christ, he would NOT have crucified the Lord of Glory!
And — ever since then, the devil has worked hard to keep Christians from understanding what it means to be a member of the body of Christ. Satan has done a pretty good job of keeping this a secret. But word is getting out, more and more, every day, and the devil and his supporters are furious.
But WE rejoice!
And we want to learn and grow in service — in doing the good works we were created to do. We can learn the same way Peter and John did.
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
P.s. For more on this healing of the lame man — and what happened afterwards to Peter and John — check out a song I posted earlier: “As That Man Did“. -DR
LYRICS: Silver And Gold
Peter and John went to pray;
They met a lame man on the way.
He asked for alms and held out his palms,
And this is what Peter did say:
“Silver and gold have I none,
But such as I have give I thee.
In the name of Jesus Christ
Of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”
Walking and jumping and praising God,
Walking and jumping and praising God.
“In the name of Jesus Christ
Of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

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Good morning, mr Dale; That is so deep,”AWESOME ” Loving it, if the devil knew, we have the “power “to heal like “OUR FATHER JESUS,” he wouldn’t have participated in the crucifixion of , “OUR FATHER JESUS ” ….Mr Dale, I lone to be like my ,”FATHER JESUS, BECAUSE HE IS MY EVERYTHING, And I will follow, HIM ALL The days of my life…I LOVE MY FATHER JESUS…”ALWAYS” …THANKS Mr Dale…be blessed….
I have very fond memories of this song when I was a child! I like what you’ve done with it! The lesson is simple and powerful! Thank you Dale! Bless your heart!