Love God With All Your Soul

Bible paraphrase songs

Message, prose & prosody

One-verse powerhouses

One more thought on this Isaac Watts song, and others like it. It almost seems silly — maybe even disrespectful — to take a verse the Lord Jesus Christ made so huge (“All the Law and the Prophets hang on” it) and set it in a “kids'” (?!?) song that doesn’t even last one minute.

But — but — every great lesson cannot be only those long ones that require thirty-three hours — or even thirty-three minutes — to present. Every song cannot be the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. Even a small song can be powerful. Some of the best, most vital things we’ll ever learn can be said in one sentence, especially if it comes from God.

I’ll make this even smaller. Sometimes one word can make the difference between life and tragedy. Years ago our then tiny son, Jonathan, and I were playing in the front yard. He failed to respond to a verbal instruction I had just given, so we stopped everything and did a “game drill” for a quick minute. “Jonathan. Come here. Stop. Come here. Stop. Come here. Stop.” It was serious, but not ugly, and we had fun, but got “the right response, first time” tuned up. About a day later we were crossing a street when a car appeared from nowhere, whipping around the corner fast, heading for the position Jonathan was bolting toward. He heard Dad say “STOP!!”

And. He. Did.

The car whooshed by. So close.

It is still a hard story to tell.

Sometimes one verse … or even one word … is exactly what will save. Never disparage short, simple truth. What might you have missed, where might you be, if you had lived your entire life and no one ever shared — you never heard — these few, vital words “Love God with all your soul”?

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