This simple song gets us singing a prayer that could bring the most fulfilled and abundant life anyone might wish for. Please give it a sing-along listen, then let’s talk about winning people for the Lord — what it means right now and for the ages to come.
What difference does winning just one make?
Our song says, “Let me win one ere this year shall be done.” Isn’t winning only one too small a goal? Maybe. But consider these thoughts.
- Everyone has to start somewhere. Start with one.
- Would your Mom say you were not a big deal to her or the rest of the family because you were just one?
- Death entered the world by one — and death was defeated by one.
- Ever heard John 3:16? Jesus spoke that to just one person. Apparently Jesus valued that one.
- Ever heard of the Apostle Paul? He was just one person. According to Acts 19:8-10, under Paul’s ministry all Asia [Minor] heard the word of the Lord in a span of two years and three months. And how about those letters he left us? Paul was a good one!
- Starfish story: One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”
Bottom line — each life we touch matters, even if it is only one.
A little math
I wondered — if one person reached one other person in one day,
and then the next day those two each reached a person,
and on the third day every reached person reached a person
and if that continued every day
how long would it take to reach every person in the world?
I am told the population of the world is not quite 8 billion people.
I found a calculator that could figure out how long it would take to reach 8 billion if you double 1 every day. Take a look at the results:
If I’m understanding this math right, it seems that if everyone who was reached continued to reach a new person every day from the day they were reached until the end of 32 days, 21 hours, 32 minutes and 11.3 seconds, 8 billion people would have heard the message.
Just saying.
Let’s rewrite the equation to include some more realistic variables:
One person + Christ in them + the Word of God + love who wins one other person in one year = two people for the Lord
If just you two were to remain faithful to continue winning someone each year for 33 years, more than sixty people would have “ever after” to thank the Lord for new life. And the Lord remembers that kind of faithfulness.
What does that have to do with reaching the world of eight billion? You and the Lord can discuss it.
I’ll simply offer that “each one reaching one” is a good place to begin. Be that one for someone.
Beautiful feet
The Bible is loaded with instructions, exhortations and examples on reaching others with the good news of life through Christ Jesus. I’ll close here with Paul’s words to the Romans (from chapter 10):
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
How shall they hear without a preacher? That’s us! That’s you and me.
Wishing you glad tidings of good things now and always — for yourself and to share with others.
“Let me win one.”
God bless you lots,
–Dale R.
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LYRICS: Let Me Win One
Text: Mrs. Frank A. Breck (1907)Tune: Samuel W. Beasley
1 Let me win some one to Jesus this year,
Let me at least win one;
Some may win many to love Him, I know
Let me at least win one.
Let me win one, let me win one
Let me win one ere this year shall be done;
Let me win one, let me win one,
One to love my Savior.
2 Let me win some one to Jesus this year
One for whom Jesus died;
Then in the beautiful ages to come,
Christ shall be glorified.
3 Let me win some one to Jesus this year
Let me begin today.
Many are waiting His love to be told,
How can my heart delay?
4 Let me win some one to Jesus this year
One who might win one more;
Thus might the world to the Savior be brought
Ransomed forevermore.

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I’ll take that challenge! What a great song. Keep those exhortations coming Dale. Nice job!
Cathy, thanks for your note. Thanks for being a light in this world! God bless you lots — D
Greetings Mr Dale, AWESOME SONG AND SERMON “let me win one…Such an amazing statement…if we are to follow in the feetsteps of OUR FATHER JESUS, We should imitate him and count our blessings, and thank HIM WITH A JOYFUL HEART… We are all sinners who fell short of The GLORY OF OUR FATHER JESUS…and should follow HIS WILL AND TELL AS MANY AS WE CAN ABOUT WHO HE TRULY IS…..HE SAT SO MANY EXAMPLES FOR US AND QUOTED SO MANY PARABLES FOR US…….HE SAID: I SAY TO U, THAT LIKEWISE, JOY SHALL BE IN HEAVEN OVER ONE SINNER THAT REPENTETH, MORE THAN OVER NINETY AND NINE JUST PERSONS THAT NEEDS NO REPENTETH.. Like u said mr dale, if we could just tell one person about OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS, AND THE PRICE HE PAID TO SAVE US ALL, Helping just one person to know and turn from their sinful ways, will be a joy to OUR FATHER JESUS ….Where would we be if we didn’t trust in HIM, “STILL A LOST Sinner , so whatever it takes, let’s run this race and tell someone about who saved us, who knows, maybe they will listen, but if not, we continue to pray for them ….. that is all OUR FATHER JESUS ASK OF US…. AND LEAVE THE REST TO HIM…, When I read your sermons mr dale they inspire me to tell about how AWESOME OUR FATHER JESUS IS .. THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR INSPIRATIONAL SERMONS 🙏 🙌..” QUOTED “….”LET Me Win One, ” ,, we have to tell one to win one, ….and like I said , .. listening to your sermons, inspire me to tell someone about OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS… … so thanks for inspiring me to tell someone, like u are doing…..BLESSINGS UPON 🙏 BLESSINGS GOES out to u and Cathy… keep inspiring WHOMSOEVER will read your sermons and listen to your songs…..keep on being a blessing …your inspirational message will be a blessing to so many.. know that. Blessing 🙏 🙏 🙏 …ALWAYS BLESSINGS 🙏.. ..🙏.. 🙏