One big difference between a stick floating down a river and a human is that a stick cannot decide which way to go. Humans can decide which way to go — and decide we must. This week’s song offers tips on going — and getting there — successfully. Please give it a listen, then come back and we’ll dig for treasure.
The first step to getting there
Our song opens with “Have you started for glory and heaven?” Ken Blanchard said, “Knowing where you are going is the first step to getting there.” In our song, this first step has been taken.
But what about the steps to follow? Our song helps with those, too! Read on.
Seem all alone?
On our way to heaven, sometimes we get surprised or disappointed by people who no longer want to go there with us. Have the ones that once walked on the highway gone back, and you seem all alone?
Our song says, “Keep your eyes on the prize, for the home in the skies; God is still on the throne.” Keep looking up. Along the way we can make new friends and the blessings continue.
Getting tired?
Our hearts might become weary from the toil, the heat of the day, thorns along the path. What can we do?
Our song says, “Go away and in secret before Him, tell your grief to the Savior alone; He will lighten your care, for He still answers prayer; God is still on the throne.” Keep looking up. PRAY!!! Our Savior is a burden bearer, eager and willing to hear from you.
When do I get to brag?
The song poses we might live in modest digs that impress no one. The Bible teaches it is not wise to compare ourselves with others, but the temptation remains. Still, whether we are living “abased or abounding”, it helps to remember we cannot take worldly wealth with us where we are going. We CAN send Godly treasure on ahead to enjoy using in the life to come (read Matthew 6). There is no virtue in being poor, and God shows us in II Corinthians 9 that He is able to make all grace abound that we always, having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work. It IS good to be able to give to others. And it is good to realize bragging does no one any good.
Our song helps by reminding us of great things that lie ahead: “A mansion for you He is building in that beautiful city on high; it will outshine the wealth and the splendor of the richest on earth we have known. He’s the architect true and He’s building for you; God is still on the throne.” Keep looking up. Great things are here and even greater are coming.
He promised
Most good things take time and are worth waiting for. When things don’t come quickly, sometimes we doubt they will ever come at all and discouragement can threaten.
Our song says, “His promise is true, He is coming for you; God is still on the throne.” Keep looking up. God said it. That settles it.
We do NOT need to be like sticks carried by the rivers of life. We can — we must — CHOOSE our path. For those of us choosing the path to glory and heaven, isn’t this a rich song to help us through the obstacles and stay on course? Enjoy!
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
LYRICS: God Is Still On The Throne
Kittie Louise Suffield (1929)
1. Have you started for glory and heaven?
Have you left this old world far behind?
In your heart is the Comforter dwelling?
Can you say, “Praise the Lord, He is mine”?
Have the ones that once walked on the highway,
Gone back, and you seem all alone?
Keep your eyes on the prize, for the home in the skies:
God is still on the throne.
God is still on the throne,
And He will remember His own;
Though trials may press us and burdens distress us,
He never will leave us alone;
God is still on the throne,
He never forsaketh His own;
His promise is true, He will not forget you,
God is still on the throne.
2. Burdened soul, is your heart growing weary
With the toil and the heat of the day?
Does it seem that your path is more thorny
As you journey along on life’s way?
Go away and in secret before Him
Tell your grief to the Savior alone;
He will lighten your care, for He still answers prayer;
God is still on the throne.
3. You may live in a tent or a cottage,
Unnoticed by those who pass by.
But a mansion for you He is building
In that beautiful city on high.
It will outshine the wealth and the splendor
Of the richest on earth we have known.
He’s the architect true, and He’s building for you;
God is still on the throne.
4. He is coming again, is the promise
To disciples when He went away.
In like manner as He has gone from you,
You will see Him returning some day.
Does His tarrying cause you to wonder?
Does it seem He’s forgotten His own?
His promise is true, He is coming for you;
God is still on the throne.

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Last night I heard you sing this song in a dream. When I awoke I searched for and found your site, your message, and your song. To my knowledge, I’ve never heard it before. Today I learned that the cancer in my lungs has grown slightly. God provided comfort before I knew a storm was coming. Now there is no storm, only another thorn in my path. Thank you for singing it and for your message.
William, I’m hearing more and more reports of people getting a word from the Lord in a dream. Yours is the first I’ve heard of me showing up in someone’s dream. Both of us just received confirmation of the Lord’s goodness!
Most people go through life aware that our days are numbered. But not everyone goes through life experiencing what you described, to KNOW by experience that the Lord sees us, knows us, loves us and speaks to us. What personal assurance, comfort and confidence the Lord’s personal attention gives us!
Thank you so much for sharing your note with me. My wife and I will add to prayers being sent on your behalf for your joy and strength.
The name of Jesus Christ is above all names, including cancer and thorns.
Three great healing realities include — God’s Word, holy communion (remembering the Lord Jesus’ broken body given for our healing and shed blood given for remission of sins) and ministering. I’ve written more on this in a song/article called “Communion Song” at I hope that song and article will bless you.
Perhaps another song/article that would bless you is “Gracious To Give”
Thank you again for your note. I’m humbled and inspired by your testimony of God’s goodness. God bless you lots — Dale R.
Hi Dale,
Very nicely done. Great guitar playing and nice melody. Thanks so much for sending these songs to me. I really appreciate it.
BTW, Ken Blanchard used to come into our bank in Escondido all the time. It was a long time ago but I remember it well.
Thanks, Dan. That’s neat you have met Ken Blanchard! Thanks for your kind words — you make a fun project more fun! God bless you lots — Dale R. ???
Dale, I liked that song, never heard it before.
Dudley, I saw the chorus for this song in a lyrics-only songbook we use at our home church. I did not know the melody either, and a couple of weeks ago someone asked if I could find it. A little looking and I found the melody AND four verses. The rest, as they say, is future. Thanks for your note! God bless ya — Dale R. ?