Fear Not
The Bible tells of a certain fear that is able to keep people in bondage their entire lives. Wouldn’t it be great if a person could beat that fear AS A CHILD, and skip a life-time of bondage? “Fear Not” Continue Reading →
The Bible tells of a certain fear that is able to keep people in bondage their entire lives. Wouldn’t it be great if a person could beat that fear AS A CHILD, and skip a life-time of bondage? “Fear Not” Continue Reading →
“Sweet Jesus” ?!? To me that sounded too familiar, maybe even irreverent. Are we talking about the Lion of Judah? The one “dressed in a robe dipped in blood” whose name is “the Word of God” — the “Son of Continue Reading →
A simple, happy song that’s fun to share with others and fun to accompany is one of my favorite things about music. This is that kind of song. Please give “Old Farmer John” a sing-along listen, and come back for Continue Reading →
It was the first day of Kindergarten. My youngest daughter, not quite 5, paused by the front door to summon the courage for her first school bus ride into the unknown. What did she do? She sang THIS song. It Continue Reading →
Here is a fun break-the-ice / call-and-response song you’ll love to have in your songleading tool kit. It uses “me first, you second” imitation to get the group into the song instantly. The song is like clean blue jeans — Continue Reading →
This traditional song is a profession of faith that works for kids of all ages. It is simple enough to sing and to learn quickly. The sheet music (get sheet free at “The Music Box“) includes an optional “descant” melody Continue Reading →
The best things in life cannot be bought. They can only be received. Peace is one of those. “Peace, Peace” is the chorus from “Wonderful Peace”, which is an old hymn with many verses. Please enjoy this chorus, then come Continue Reading →
Stephen Foster has been called “the most famous song writer of the nineteenth century”. “Some Folks” is one of over 200 songs he wrote, including “Oh! Susanna”, “Camptown Races”, “Old Folks at Home” (“Swanee River”), “My Old Kentucky Home” and Continue Reading →
I’ve heard it said, “If you can’t play with words you’ll never be able to work with words.” The same might be said of songs: “If you can’t play with songs you’ll never be able to work with songs.” In Continue Reading →
Proverbs says, “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the Lord.” That verse does not teach that it is stupid or wrong for people to prepare and work. It simply makes it clear that Continue Reading →