“My Cup Runneth Over” is a lovely hymn that gets us thinking about the 23rd Psalm and the magnificent character of our Lord. Please give it a sing-along listen, then come back for a chat about this song’s composer and the inspiration we can gain from his example.
Bible-inspired art
“My Cup Runneth Over” is the name of this hymn and also the title track of a CD and a book of original hymns by Charlie P. Johnston, published in 2009. This is from the hymn book’s introduction page:
About the Composer
Charlie Johnston received his Bachelor of Arts diploma from William Carey College and completed a three-year biblical studies course with special emphasis in pastoral training. His job resume includes pastoring small southern churches, teaching history in the Georgia school system, and operating several successful businesses including a nation-wide window cleaning company. He authored the book, No Such Thing as Luck — a Biblical Perspective in 2005. Through his endeavors he has sought out the truths of God’s Word and tried to apply them to his every undertaking. He has studied the Bible for years with the mind-set that the Word of God is the Will of God, and that it can help us separate truth from error. Mr. Johnston has written over thirty songs but his favorite music is his hymns. He says, “Hymns give me the opportunity to express my feelings, beliefs, and understandings about God and His word.”
What a colorful skill set! Pastor, teacher, businessman, published author. The work Charlie has already done has made its helpful mark on many, many people.
I had the privilege of helping Charlie with the song notation and chords for this project’s twelve hymns. That was one of several connections I have with the composer. Another — that was a life-changer for me — relates to that window cleaning company mentioned in his bio. Best I understand it, I am one of his company’s “grandchildren”. Years ago, a dear friend in the ministry and fellow musician took me under his wing — and rescued me from unemployment — by teaching me the ropes of the window cleaning trade. If I have the story straight, that friend’s window cleaning roots could be traced directly back to Charlie. That training enabled me to support us as we started our family. I still have the red long bucket and squeegees — and happy memories — and lots of gratitude.
Servant artist
Also from the intro page, look at our songwriter’s heart:
I am truly thankful for the opportunity to publicly offer these hymns and songs to my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I believe many of these hymns will enable them to express their heartfelt love of God. God is truly so good to us, and we have the privilege and need, to tell Him so in our prayers and also in our songs. My labor will be rewarded if these hymns and songs lift you up and help you express your thankfulness, praise and joyful expectation, to God – our Shepherd, our Comfort, our Might. — Charlie P. Johnston
I join Charlie in that wish for all the lovely songs he penned.
How about you?
I have this quote on the wall by my desk:
“There comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people’s books and write your own.”
We are the creative work of the Lord, awesomely and wonderfully made. We are built for good works, able to learn and able to give. Many of you reading this have in yourself a song, a book, a business or some other important innovative thing you could bring to life. How about it? Mr. Johnston already figured out how to pack these things — and many more, too — into his days and weeks. What a wonderful example he sets, and what a beautiful inspiration he provides for the rest of us to step up to the plate and “write our own” in areas God lights up for us.
Mr. Johnston, thank you! As we move in the direction your entire life has faithfully pointed to, our cup runneth over indeed.
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
LYRICS: My Cup Runneth Over
Song by Charlie P. Johnston (Published 2009, used by permission)
1. My God Who lives on high
Has shed His grace on me.
He walks before me,
And He gives me His treasure of love.
My cup runneth over.
His Word is my delight.
He’s my shepherd,
My comfort, my might.
2. My God Who lives on high
Leads me in righteousness.
He’s restored my soul and
He gives me His treasure of peace.
3. His goodness and His love
Will lead me by my hand.
I shall not want
And He gives me His treasure of joy.
4. My God Who stands by me
Gives me the victory.
I’ll fear no evil;
He has given His comfort to me.

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To sweeten the deal, you will also get instant access to the “Music Box” where I put all the free resources and downloads that go along with these song pages. Check it out now! Good stuff. (Side note — I still post announcements on social media, too, even though I have learned it is terribly unreliable at getting the message out and keeping us connected. Email gets that job done where social media fails. We do well to connect this way, and avoid getting throttled by social media.)
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Good evening Mr Dale … Thanks again for taking the time to post this remarkable song that Mr. Charlie Johnston wrote, what an amazing song, this song cuts to the core of the heart, this is one of the psalms that I quote every morning, but reading it the way Mr charlie has song it is as if he is singing it to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS..”MY CUP RUNNETH OVER..And u are included, because u Mr Dale has a way of sharing important message and songs like these…when I read your message and sermons ,I can’t help but think of Paul, Paul really did and amazing job, on getting his point across, to whomsoever would listen …..when I was reading Mr Johnston ,rewrite Psalm 23. , it was as if I were saying those words myself to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS “PERSONALLY”, ……….
.,……….OUR HEAVENLY FATHER JESUS HAS A WAY OF USING WHOMEVER HE PLEASE, AND HE USED MR. JOHNSTON, TO WRITE AND SINGED THAT PSALM, “BEAUTIFULLY”, … Thanks Mr Johnston, and thanks to u Mr Dale for sharing it with whoever will hear,or read ..u Mr dale are truly one of OUR FATHER JESUS, Disciples …if I did write my book, it will be a book on HOW AMAZING OUR FATHER JESUS TRULY IS, Just thanking HIM FOR LIFE, AND FOR HIS AMAZING LOVE…. Much love and blessings to all, … u and Cathy, keep running this race hand in hand … LIKE OUR FATHER JESUS SAID,..IF ONE FALL THE OTHER WILL HELP LIFT THEM UP…. Thanks again Mr dale… much blessings 🙏 and love you both 💞
Julia, thanks so much for your notes, encouragement and blessings! It’s so wonderful that you quote the 23rd Psalm every morning. What great light to bring to mind every day! Like you, I enjoy seeing how familiar verses said a different way can really stir our minds and hearts to see better. So true. Thanks again for your blessings. Lead on! God bless you lots — Dale R.
Hi Dale,
Very nice….thank you so much for sending. I have not heard this one before.
So sweet and melodic….keep em coming brother!!!
Dan, Thank for your note. I’m glad to give this sweet song a bit more exposure. Glad you liked it. God bless you lots! -D
Dear Dale,
Thanks for the complimentary remarks. It’s good to get a little praise occasionally and you were certainly generous with yours. Your tremendous help made my album of hymns a possibility.
Thank-you! Thank-you!
Charlie, thanks for permission to record your song. I hope putting it here helps it reach and bless folks who might not have heard it before. You do nice work! Thanks again. God bless you lots! – Dale R.