Would you agree the story of Jesus is at the top of the list of important things everyone should learn? This classic hymn “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus” helps with that goal in two ways: 1. The song gets us praying and asking that we would learn about Jesus and 2. it tells — actually, it gets us singing — parts of His story. This is a productive song! The song begins the story of Jesus at His birth.Though this song is not one of the Christmas “hits”, it certainly fits in at Christmas time. Actually, both this song — and His story — fit with all seasons and times. Give it a sing-along listen, then come back and we’ll look at parts of the wonderful story of Jesus this song touches on.
His birth
Where to begin the story of Jesus? Some would say the first mention of the coming savior is in Genesis 3:15, where it foretells that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent. Some might take us to John 1 which shows us that the story begins well before Genesis 3. John 1 tells us that the word — the “logos” — was with God in the beginning. Then the book of Revelation takes His story well into the future. We see the story of Jesus spans a lot of time. It began in the beginning and goes on forever.
Still, probably no one would argue with our songwriter’s choice to begin the story of Jesus with His birth in Bethlehem. The story of His birth is a unique mix of normal processes, unusual circumstances and miracles. And through the years tradition has also been added to the mix.
What is the Biblical story of how Jesus got here? Much has been written to separate Biblical truth from tradition that can help us get this part of His story straight. While we work on improving our own understanding, let’s remember that they will know we are Christians by our love. Let’s avoid arguing — or worse — trying to impress others — with how right we have become and how wrong they are. Remember, we might still have a few things to learn ourselves. A favorite tradition might be a great topic to start a cheerful conversation. Make friends and influence people. Enough said?
NOTE: Here are a couple of resources you might enjoy on truth & tradition regarding the birth of Jesus. I like them because they keep their eyes on the great truth that Jesus Christ was born while lovingly addressing some of the traditions that have been added. Most everyone can walk away from Biblical teachings such as these with an approving smile.
“The True Story Of Christmas” (cartoon – length: 3:45)
“A Biblical Overview of the True Christmas Story” (Rev. John Schoenheit – length: 10:30)
His times of learning
The story of Jesus includes times of learning. One day a verse from Luke 2 snuck up and slapped me on the side of my head. The verse helped me appreciate Jesus all the more. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
Silly as it sounds, I guess I thought somehow Jesus went from being a baby in Bethlehem straight to being the returning Christ mounted on the war horse leading His people from the heavens into to the last battle. I didn’t really consider that even Jesus needed to increase in wisdom and stature. But the Bible says so, and that makes perfect sense. He is a complete savior, and was tempted in all things like as we are, yet without sin. Of course He went through learning which contributed to His remarkable ministry. Our song touches on some of those experiences in the second verse.
NEWS FLASH! — We are not the first generation challenged by the need to train and prepare before launching out into areas of concern, interest and need. It is wise to invest in getting learning that will help us live and serve better. While we DO need to try things out on our own, it is just silly not to seek to learn from others, too. Life is short. On our way to growing up and learning how to do we just don’t have enough time to make every mistake ourselves. Let’s remember to ask. Watch. Read. Listen. Learn. Be coachable.
He is RISEN!
I think it is true that the Bible never mentions Jesus Christ’s death without, in the same context, declaring He was raised from the dead. Our song does as much in the last verse. We need to know about Jesus Christ’s death — it is a huge part of His story. But let us never forget the thing Jesus brought us that no other religion, philosophy or science ever has — or can — bring to mankind: LIFE TO COME. Everlasting life following this life here is brought to us by God our Father alone — through Jesus Christ. HE IS RISEN! He is risen indeed. We look forward to life forever — because of HIM.
Tell me the story of Jesus!
Let’s tell everyone the story of Jesus!
When all is said and done, what could possibly be more important to any of us — to all of us?
God bless you lots!
-Dale R.
LYRICS: Tell Me The Story Of Jesus
Text: Fanny J. Crosby [1880]
Tune: John R. Sweney [1880]
1. Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word;
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard.
Tell how the angels, in chorus,
Sang as they welcomed His birth,
“Glory to God in the highest!
Peace and good tidings to earth.”
Tell me the story of Jesus,
Write on my heart every word;
Tell me the story most precious,
Sweetest that ever was heard.
2. Fasting alone in the desert,
Tell of the days that are past;
How for our sins He was tempted,
Yet was triumphant at last.
Tell of the years of His labor,
Tell of the sorrow He bore;
He was despised and afflicted,
Homeless, rejected, and poor. [Refrain]
3. Tell of the cross where they nailed Him,
Writhing in anguish and pain;
Tell of the grave where they laid Him,
Tell how He liveth again.
Love in that story so tender,
Clearer than ever I see:
Stay, let me weep while you whisper,
Love paid the ransom for me. [Refrain]

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Please add your thoughts to the song or lesson. Thanks! – Dale R.
Good evening mr dale… what an amazing song and sermon; u sang and told it quite well.. “TELL Me The STORY OF OUR FATHER JESUS .. YES, HE CAME, HE DIED AND HE CONQUER.. ” AND YES HE IS RISEN ” …WHAT A MIGHTY FATHER WE SERVE…Mr dale,.please keep running for OUR FATHER JESUS…BECAUSE HE HAS U AND CATHY IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND..AND OUR FATHER HOLY SPIRIT IS DIRECTING Your Every Thought Patterns..your song and sermon tells it all..please mr dale
keep your head up and never stop running this race that is sat before u,… OUR FATHER JESUS IS USING U MIGHTILY THROUGH OUR FATHER HOLY SPIRIT… u and Cathy are truly blessed 🙌 🙏…..BLESSINGS UPON BLESSINGS GOES OUT TO THE BOTH OF U 🙏 🙌……ALWAYS…
Julia, I love “You … are in the palm of His hand”. He’s always watching, so I’m glad to be right there where He can see me easily! God bless you lots – Dale R.