God Is Good To Me
I love the saying, “God is good all the time. All the time God is good.” I suspect the people who really love that saying have found a good answer to this question: “Why does God in the Old Testament Continue Reading →
I love the saying, “God is good all the time. All the time God is good.” I suspect the people who really love that saying have found a good answer to this question: “Why does God in the Old Testament Continue Reading →
This wonderful old “kid’s” song encourages us to check our thinking about praise — what it is, why do it, how to do it, when to do it and what to teach about it. I think most of us understand Continue Reading →
“I am of the opinion that there is no comparison between the pain of this present time and the glory which we will see in the future.” (Paul to the Romans) There is no question the Lord wants us to Continue Reading →
Good Bible lessons can help us LIVE better — and good Bible songs can help us REMEMBER Bible lessons. Joining Bible lessons with songs is the main idea behind this project called “Music Minister.net — Bible lessons and songs for Continue Reading →
The picture this song paints gave hope and energy to the first people who sang it. It still inspires confidence in us who sing it today. Have you ever carried something precious in your hands? A puppy? A baby? The Continue Reading →
The prophet Elijah is one of God’s superstars in the Bible. He walked with God and did amazing works. But even Elijah got tired and discouraged. This song is about Elijah almost fainting in a down time and about how Continue Reading →
When I was a kid our family vacationed at a YMCA camp in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of northern Minnesota. There I learned how to handle a canoe and pitch a tent. And there I learned to love singing Continue Reading →
This song is brilliant. When we first hear the song, it sounds like a kid asking for something. Well, maybe PRAYING for something. As we continue to listen, we begin to realize the kid’s request is remarkable because in the Continue Reading →
One reason we love the record of Daniel and the lions’ den is that it teaches us about real peace, real power and real life. These were very real for Daniel. They can also be very real for each of Continue Reading →
Today’s troubles will not go on forever. God promises that better days are certainly coming. Through the years, this well known song has encouraged many not to quit by reminding them of that wonderful home we look forward to. Continue Reading →