Joy To The World
The Lord is HERE! Rejoice!! This favorite Christmas carol was in our house long before I was. It is best sung with a group, so — please give the video a spin and we’ll all sing it together. A Psalm-inspired Continue Reading →
The Lord is HERE! Rejoice!! This favorite Christmas carol was in our house long before I was. It is best sung with a group, so — please give the video a spin and we’ll all sing it together. A Psalm-inspired Continue Reading →
Ask the Lord’s blessing If we want God to bless what we are doing, we need to be doing something that blesses God. This song offers help on making that happen. Please give it a listen, then come back for Continue Reading →
Now … and always This wonderful song is a prayer, praise and declaration of thanks to God. The melody carries great words to rehearse in our minds and hearts! Please give it a listen, and come back for more. With Continue Reading →
Good news and bad news This is an upbeat song about an event that was awful but avoidable for many — AND wonderful for most of humanity, AND loaded with lessons we need to know and understand. We are asking Continue Reading →
Doing works like Jesus MIRACLE! NOT able to walk since birth, NOW the man is walking — and LEAPING! — and praising God. WITNESSES — most of them rejoiced. But some were furious. Please give this song a listen, then Continue Reading →
Can you say hallelujah!?! The lobby had a glorious aquarium. As I waited, I watched shimmering fish glide through water — fast … easy. Without doubt — these creatures DO water! They were designed that way. There’s a bird feeder Continue Reading →
Big things, small package “I do”. With just two words the bride and groom enter into the promise of life ever together as a married couple. Big things can begin with just a few words; marriage is an example. But Continue Reading →
Thousands of people have sung this song during alter calls — at Billy Graham crusades and others. It’s been one of my favorites as long as I can remember. Give it a listen, then please come back for more. The Continue Reading →
It’s going to be great! Years ago my wife and I discovered something. “Calendar magic” just seemed like the right thing to call it. Dinner out? Visit friends? Schedule a seminar? Time after time, we’d get an idea for something Continue Reading →
Living and real This is a joy-filled upbeat song that makes days brighter and burdens lighter. Please give it a listen, then come back for a chat about “heart”. What is heart? The dictionary offers these ways to think about Continue Reading →