This Is The Day
We only get one day to rejoice in the Lord — that day is TODAY. Here’s a “kid’s” song (for kids of all ages, of course) that is small enough to fit in tiny nooks and crannies of any day Continue Reading →
We only get one day to rejoice in the Lord — that day is TODAY. Here’s a “kid’s” song (for kids of all ages, of course) that is small enough to fit in tiny nooks and crannies of any day Continue Reading →
I’ve been missing out! I knew two verses of our song “Constantly Abiding” — verses about the peace Jesus brings. Verse three was new to me. It might be new to you, too. It’s a great verse! In few words Continue Reading →
The picture this song paints gave hope and energy to the first people who sang it. It still inspires confidence in us who sing it today. Have you ever carried something precious in your hands? A puppy? A baby? The Continue Reading →
All human history revolves around Jesus Christ. Nothing more significant has occurred to change life for mankind than the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. In four powerful verses our song “One Day” boldly proclaims what Jesus has already Continue Reading →
It’s good to store happy thoughts in the library of the mind. Here’s a song that helps us with just that very thing. Give it a sing-along listen, then come back and we’ll look at some things in our lives Continue Reading →
This song was why summer camp buses were invented. The song comes alive when accompanied by the wind howling through the bus’s open windows and the bus tires tapping their feet on the rolling asphalt. It’s a match made in Continue Reading →
Our song “My God Is So Great” sounds a lot like bragging. Since bragging is not welcome in polite company, maybe we should pass by this song. But we won’t! Please give the song a sing-along listen, then come back Continue Reading →
When I was a kid our family vacationed at a YMCA camp in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of northern Minnesota. There I learned how to handle a canoe and pitch a tent. And there I learned to love singing Continue Reading →
God’s creative genius and love are seen in the fact that there are so many paths people can take to reach the same ends. Car broken? Take a bike. Bike broken? Walk. People are different and ways of getting things Continue Reading →
This delightful little song can lift tons of burden off our backs if we’ll let it remind us how huge salvation is compared to whatever worries trouble us. Please enjoy a sing-along listen, and come back for more. Prophets of Continue Reading →